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Monday, 31 July 2017

Friday, 28 July 2017


Interesting experiment when people don't have enough money. What do you think?

Monday, 24 July 2017

So You Think You Have No Money to Start Investing

So you think you have no money to start investing... You're wrong. I can tell you that without even knowing you, because it's true. There is always a way to raise the funds to start your investment career tomorrow. Let me show you some simple ways to make some money, and ways to reduce the amount of capital you need to get started. First of all - how much are you saving?
It may seem like a silly question, but I'm serious. If you're not saving any money at all, then you need to start now. When you're saving money you're taking action, and moving forward towards your goal of investing. That's the first step. I challenge you to start saving money now - as much as you can afford, but aim for 10% of your income. This sort of regular commitment will help instill the mindset of control over your finances that you need.
Now - on to the more immediate concerns of raising the required money to start your investment career. Have you given any thought as to what your strategy is going to be? You need to decide that, which will in turn give you an indication of what amount of money you need to look at starting with. You may need more, or less - depending on your intended investment strategy. About that money...
  • have a garage/yard sale - get rid of unwanted and unused items. You'll be surprised at the amount and value of the junk we all accumulate! It's possible to make some decent money by selling up unused bikes and furniture, not to mention the toys and clothes that the kids have grown out of.
  • If you live in a house you're repaying a mortgage on - you're ahead of the pack. Why not do a few things to spruce the place up and have it revalued? You'll be able to access the equity you've developed in your home to raise extra funds to start your investment career. It's a good way to make all your hard work paying the mortgage work for you - essentially giving you great access to comparatively ongoing low interest rates
  • If you haven't bought real estate, and can't access equity there - look elsewhere. What about your parents, your extended family... Obviously I wouldn't recommend that you approach anyone with that idea until you've formulated a carefully planned strategy in conjunction with clearly set out goals.
  • Partner up! There's no harm in joining forces with a like-minded business partner. It is important to realise that when you join forces with someone you pool resources and profits, as well as losses. An investing partnership can allow for more thorough preparation and analysis, but I'd suggest that clear communication and absolute transparency is a must in a partnership scenario.
The bottom line is that the above techniques show how easy it is to come up with some cash. The common thread in all those options is preparation. Before you jump into investing, you really need to know as much as possible about what you're investing in, as well as have a plan formulated for achieving your goals through your investment strategy.

Article Source:

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Live on a Beach and eat mangos!

Have you made the decision to quit your job, live on the beach, eat mangos and drink rainbow colored alcoholic drinks all day? Well before you turn in your two week notice or just decide to give your boss one day notice cause you just can't take it anymore there are some things to consider and put in place before you buy a one way ticket to paradise. These 8 tips will help anyone to start setting up the life they desire.

1. Mindset
You don't have to wait until you're retired, you can travel and enjoy life anyway you chose now if you put a little planning into place and stay focused on your goals. It takes less money than you think to start enjoying the life you desire. Dream big and believe that can change your life.

2. Goals
Set clear goals with a deadline.Just setting a goal puts you ahead of the crowd. Write down your passions, what you like to do and what you are good at. How you achieve your goals may change over time, that's life.

3. Time and Productivity
Time is not a renewable resource. How are your spending your time?
Track how you are spending your time. You can use a calendar or excel spreadsheet to track how your activities. Figure out what you're wasting time on and start doing activities that help you achieve your goals.
Create a vision of how you would ideally spend your time for a day, week or month.
Have fun with this exercise by writing it down and be as detailed as possible.

4. Money and Finances
Stop buying things you don't need- If you want to live a location independent lifestyle you must get control of your spending. Think about all the things you spend money on that you really don't need. Do you really need the latest smartphone, flat screen TV or $6 cups of coffee?

5. Track your expenses
Write down everything you spend money on for a month. Create a budget after tracking your expenses for a month figure out where you can cut back on your spending. Create a budget for your monthly living needs, long and short term saving, retirement, and money to splurge every once in a while. Living expenses should be 50-60% of net, all other categories should be at least 10% of net each.

6. Get out of debt
Pay off the balances with the highest interest rate first, when they are paid off add that money to the minimum payment of the next balance and repeat until your debt load is more manageable.

7. Optimize your accounts
Set up bank accounts that pay you interest, get rid of high interest credit cards, choose credit cards that give you awards or some other type of incentive.

8. Start an emergency fund
Once you have your financial situation in order try to put away a set amount of money every time you get paid. Strive to have at least six months living expenses in the bank for emergencies.

Making the decision to become a lifestyle entrepreneur can be a scary and adventurous path to follow. To make the transition from being a cubicle drone to a world-traveling mobile business owner there are a few things to consider and vital steps you must take to make the journey a little easier. Working on your mindset to change your thinking is the first and biggest step.
Then you will be well on your way to creating and living the lifestyle you desire, a lifestyle by design rather than a mundane template lifestyle most people accept without question.

Article Source:

Monday, 17 July 2017

How to Get Rich with Billionaire Mindset

This weeks theme is 'Building for your future'. 
Watch the clip below to for info on how to focus on your passion and love what you do. Have a vision to serve as many people as possible.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Tony Robbins 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Lewis Howes

This is so great... we love the message that the psychological shift is important to work on ... work on your money mind guys's the gateway to success...

Monday, 3 July 2017

Sorry to start the month with such a negative message but we feel this needs to be said because you need to work out how you can take action and make your story different ... you need to take action to create a passive income and your own financial freedom! Here's why!

With real incomes falling at the rate of 2 to 3% a year, food and fuel costs going up at an unprecedented rate and with many facing the prospect of closing businesses or redundancy, the prevailing mood in middle England is one of growing despair and uncertainty.

Meanwhile billionaires and venture capitalists are celebrating budget proposals to help them avoid paying even more tax than ever. The rich are getting richer and not paying any taxes, while the middle classes are getting poorer as basic costs are rising. The same economic conditions prevailed prior to the French revolution in 1789.

The real losers are small businessmen who bought into the Thatcherite dream of entrepreneurial Britain. Many have been successfully running small businesses for a number of years but were caught out by the unexpected and unanticipated credit crunch in 2008. Having mortgaged homes to finance expensive start-ups, they now find themselves with the double whammy of losing livelihoods and their homes at the same time. Labour, during their time in government, did nothing to protect or forewarn these budding entrepreneurs.

The only people who will make money from the present economic situation are the bankers and the venture capitalists, neither of whom are interested in creating new long-lasting jobs but look only for ways of making monstrous, short-term profits, usually by investing in unprofitable firms and turning them around by laying off staff. Far from mopping up lost jobs from the public sector, the chances are that private sector speculation over the next few years will only add to the unemployment figures. We have been there before.

And if middle England is facing a squeeze, what will happen to those already on the bread line and struggling to find work and to remain in rented property? As benefits are cut, destitution will be the only alternative for many. Homelessness is likely to increase as unemployment approaches record highs.

The situation is dire enough now but likely to get even worse once Tory cuts take effect over the next couple of years. The maxim of past Tory governments has always been to dish out the bad stuff early on in the term and hope for a recovery before the next election. But the best this government can hope for is that the country does not go into a double dip. If it does, it will effectively consign the Tories to another generation in opposition and wipe out their Liberal coalition partners altogether. To some extent it will be a deserved fate. They have ignored warnings from the opposition party and the rallying cry of almost half a million people who turned up to protest in Central London on Saturday, who fear that deficit cuts will choke off the recovery. Experts on the Panorama programme confirmed that far from "all of us being in it together" all the evidence suggests that the poorer half of the nation is paying for the mistakes made by wealthy banks and speculators during the subprime debacle. It is a travesty that in the 21st century a nation of honest, hardworking people who would give up their lives for their country should be so humiliated and mistreated by the powers that be.

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