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Thursday, 31 May 2018

Path To A Half

Earlier this year Pam and I were buying a property in Ipswich. As we were proceeding with the purchase we realised there were lots of extra costs and difficulties with the property which were mounting up, changing it from a deal into a no-deal. We eventually pulled out and whilst this is disappointing we know (because of our training) that it was the right thing to do.

We did our training with Gill Fielding at Fielding Financial and every three months we go to an event called Path to a Half. This week we got a post card through. We had filled it in at the March PtaH and one of the goals was to complete on the Ipswich deal.... it was a reminder of a failure.... which is never nice. However it got me thinking about other PtaH's and how they have been instrumental in giving Pam and I the tools and confidence required too take our first steps into property investing using other people's money..... first here is a little video where Gill explains the purpose of PtaH.

As I say, walking away from the Ipswich deal was the right thing to do... but it was also frustrating. Currently we are looking for the right replacement deal. We are being cautious though, when you are 'playing' with other peoples we think this is imperative. We want our deals to double stack in effect. They need a to have the right entrance price, variable exit strategies and enough security in them for us to feel we are not taking unacceptable risks with our reputations and other peoples money.
A note on money... it is easy to think that people with a pot of money got it easily. The stories behind peoples pots of money that we have heard are many and varied. Most of it is hard won. It's either earned doing a hard job, created through wise investment, achieved through making huge life changes like selling the family home or inherited after the loss of a loved one. The trust people are putting in us to use it wisely is really an honour.
A note on asking for money....When I was starting out on this journey I couldn't quite believe anyone would give me money to put into a property deal. It was a HUGE mindset change for me. Even when Pam and I were putting our first deal together and presented it at PtaH I was having palpitations. When one person challenged me I had to take myself off to a quiet place to deal with the panic lol... I'm not joking. I remember collaring a 'Fielding Friend' and discussing how shitty I was feeling. To set me straight and calmed my nerves my friend dished out a mixture of kind words and a flick on the forehead! Pam was much more confident I could only see the potential for failure! I'm glad I have the ability to feel the fear and do it anyway ... and to allow other people to lead me to success even when I'm convinced that I can't do something.
Anyway, in those days there was a sign up board at the back of the Path to a Half meeting room... Pam and I couldn't believe it when we saw over 30 people had expressed an interest in our deal. We were having a ta-da moment... At the previous PtaH we had another ta-da moment when Gill had said 'If a deal's a deal... the money will come'... we heard that and decided to just run with it ... find a deal, a real deal and see if the money would come... and it did!
I know that lots of people reading this are not in the Fielding Family and will not have experienced Path to a Half. If you want to you can find out more about joining Fielding here, starting with their award winning 3 day course.. then you too can experience those ta-da moments!

Tania & Pam xx

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

GDPR Compliance for Landlords

GDPR is coming!... make sure you are compliant. We are landlords in the UK, this video is all about the new legislation and how it is going to effect us. We also show you the National Landlords Association's template that we are using to become compliant.

Toodle pip!


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

My Friend had a Tortoise...

My friend had a tortoise ... and so did I ... It was the 70's so we were allowed.

You might not believe it but our little tortoises had completely different personalities. Her's was called Fred, he was a lovely little chap who plodded a long, managing to bi-pass her swimming pool (generally).... which is no mean feet when you understand he didn't know how to change direction. Honestly! On a daily basis my friend and her siblings had the job to find the tortoise and turn him around. One day he did plop into the pool, luckily the cover was on so he didn't perish, after which they fenced off the hazard. Lucky little fellow to have a family that cared so much for him!

My tortoise was called Winnie. Now Winnie had a real sense of adventure. We lived in a bungalow in Suffolk, which had a 'C' shaped layout, leaving a tree and a piece of lawn in the centre. A hallway ran along one side and had big windows so we could look onto this little haven. This became Winnie's home...We fenced off the other end to keep her in and keep her safe. .... but Winnie wasn't having any of it! Winnie was a digger and a climber... Winnie was an escapologist and a swashbuckler.
No matter what we did Winnie would go walkabout. Thankfully the word got out in our village and if ever Winnie wandered off over the fields and far away, someone would eventually call and return her to her rightful home. 

You would think that a tortoise would not wonder far, or be gone for long... not Winnie. Once she was missing for a whole winter... once she was found 2 miles away. On she would pootle, no matter what got in her way!

I hadn't thought about Winnie and Fred for a long time. Yesterday their little ways came to mind. I was going over my years worth of social media training notes and having a chat with Pam about our search for the next deal. We were both feeling that things are going too slowly for our liking.

Sometimes life feels like a plod, sometimes we need to continue on our journey, watching the scenery pass by slowly. We need to wait for the the pieces to fall in place, to meet the right person, read the right thing, put the plan together neatly. Then suddenly the pace changes and we are speeding along and we wonder if we can keep up.

Have a great day ... plodding along or speeding... whichever... so long as it's towards your goal... so long as you are on your adventure. Enjoy!

Tania xx

Friday, 18 May 2018

Making Friends with your Mammoth

Do you want to be financially secure, know that your future is safe and that you can rest at night in the knowledge that you could stop work tomorrow if you wanted or needed to? Have you ever thought about what that would feel like? ... when you do, do you just roll your eyes and and think 'Yeh, in your dreams!' and then plod on in your every day way, turning your back on your dreams?
Me too. Or I did until the day the a mammoth came to visit, my job disappeared and my world changed.... for the better .... although it didn't feel like it at the time lol!

I don't know what your dream is but mine was to work, create a small business, buy a house and save for retirement and then probably downsize to add to my pension pot. I was realistic, I thought this would probably take until I was in my 60's.... WRONG!!!
Perhaps you were the same? But now you can't see the end of the tunnel... or maybe the reality is that you are sh** scared about losing your job, which you feel trapped in and only stick at because you can't afford to leave. Even worse, maybe you are running your own business and feel the same about the very thing you thought would make you really happy. Maybe, the thing you are working hardest at is only just keeping the wolves from the trees and all your future dreams are crumbling into the dust.
Before you disintegrate under the pressure of it all can I ask you to stop, reflect and then give yourself a huge pat on the back? You have been doing a great job, you have been working hard and doing the right thing. You have been making ends meet (just) against all the odds. Yes, you are great!
The problem is that the world has changed.... and it did it practically over night.
Our generation is living (and attempting to work) through a new revolutionary new world. We are working to the old industrial rules but living in the new digital world.The revolution has been like a mammoth on the run and unless we change our approach to our work and life we will be trampled... what we need to do is make friends with the mammoth... and adjust our old school work ethic, re-directing it to the new world dynamic.
Ok, so we have to make friends with the mammoth... how we do dat den?
More on that soon... for now you just need to know, there's a blooming mammoth out there!!! He's looking for friends and the good thing is he likes people who like learning, working clever ... and want to have a great life....he's looking for people to play with and he def wants retire early one day... he's looking for us :)
Written By: Tania Carson (Mammoth Hunter)

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Why Your Why Is So Important & How to Use It To Create The Life You Want

We love a TedTalk. This one was recommended by Adam Houlahan in his book 'The LinkedIn Playbook' and it really is worth a look.

Once you have we would love to hear your Why's ....

Have a great day everyone!

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Squeezed Middle... or Financially Free?

So which are you ... the squeezed middle or financially free?

First of all, what are these two polarised states... and which one would you prefer to be?
The Squeezed Middle are the educated, seemingly affluent, workers in our society. They have done everything right: worked hard, educated themselves, applied their knowledge, bought a house and had 2.5 kids... they pay their taxes and rarely ask for anything in return. Then one day they realize that their pension pot is close to zero, they simply can't make ends meet any more and they are probably going to have to work until they drop. They look back at their parents who retired at 60/65 (or younger) and are living a wonderful, leisurely life well into their dotage.... the squeezed middle wonder what they did wrong!?
The Financially Free are the ones that live a life knowing that the bills are all paid for and they have enough money to eat, whether they are working or not - YAY!... Basically, a while ago, they woke up to the reality that life had changed since their parents' day. They suddenly realised that they were living in a post industrial, global age and working by the old rules would leave them broke and unable to retire.
They have taken steps to ensure it doesn't happen to them and they have found out how to make the necessary changes to create a new, more tantalising and happy future. They became financial freedom fighters... and have won the battle!
So which one are you? ...
Maybe you identify with the squeezed middle but dream to be financially free, but have no idea on how to create this pipe dream? If that's you then don't despair because whilst you might feel a bit cheated  now there are plenty of opportunities these days to move yourself towards your goal and away from the old and failing way of living.
We were listening to a speaker at one of our workshops this weekend and he pointed out that  the squeezed middle are basically the transition generation. We are the middle aged workers living by the past centuries industrial model's rules of educate, work hard and you will go up the ladder and earn more, save and you will have a great pension and retire at 60'ish. Sound familiar? Sound hollow?
Over the last 15 years or so the world has become a new, digital era... this era is being run by a whole new set of rules.... and if you and I don't start learning those rules we will be the ones who watch our wealth dwindle and our lifestyles with it. Many of us are feeling that right now, Pam and I know exactly how that feels!
That said we are also the generation who have had low cost  education and been brought up on a really excellent work ethic. In addition we here at the start of the revolution... which means we have the most opportunities to take advantage of it and create new, lucrative revenues that will change our current lifestyle and our dreams for the future.
The pain of this situation is why Pam and I started looking for solutions, taking courses and learning how to create new incomes and implement new wealth strategies. We started a few short years ago and we are now both financially free ... and you can be too.
Our two main strategies have been property and social media. Firstly we started in property and with the learnings and earnings we moved into the brave new digital world. Property is the obvious one to create wealth but many people think that they have to have a fortune to make a fortune. I'm here to tell you that you don't... because I have created a portfolio without a single bean of my own money in it... time yes... money no! 
The digital business is new and it's just starting to bare fruit. The learning curve has been greater though, but that's not surprising. The journey continues and we look forward to making more progress earning our first big £3k pay out in the last week... and all from the comfort of our own sofas lol!
Of course we haven't done this alone and that's been great too. Firstly we invested in some amazing teachers and became friends with them and many of the people they have trained along side us. If you think your journey may be lonely, we are here to tell you that it won't be.
If you want to find out more about our teachers and the courses they offer then please click here for Gill Fielding's property course website:

And here for Paul's webinar all about setting up a business on social media:

In addition you may want to surround yourself with like minded people ... this is where we come in, we have been there, and not so long ago that we have forgotten what it's like! If that sounds like something you would like to do then just email us on : and we will send you logins to our  financial freedom facebook group where you can join in the conversation and get tips and ideas to make your bid for freedom come true!
We hope that sounds exciting and we look forward to making it happen for you!
Over and out for now!
Tania & Pam