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Friday, 31 March 2017

Learn All About How You Can Start Working at Home
to Earn a Full-Time Income

Start Working at Home Today
Ready to get started? Here's your first step: deciding what your business is going to be all about. Of course, you'll need a product or service to sell-but it should be something people want to buy. Generating enthusiasm for your products or services will sell them better than anything else.

It's the catch-22 of Internet marketing-to be successful at sales, you need something that sells itself.

However, there's another aspect to this secret of success, and it's what allows so many Internet marketers to run profitable businesses. Here's the thing: your products or services don't have to sell themselves to everyone. Remember, you're only targeting a fraction of a percent of the Internet community. That's where niche markets come in.

Finding a Niche Where You Can Work and Earn
Niche marketing is one of the most powerful strategies available for online businesses. Creating a niche allows you to focus your efforts and offer products and services people will want to buy.

Why does niche marketing work online? Internet businesses have one big disadvantage when it comes to sales: there is no personal contact with the customer. Online shoppers can't pick up and examine your products, nor can they see your services in action (unless, of course, you're a website designer).

· The professionalism and appearance of the website
· Testimonials or recommendations from other customers
· Price, options, and speed of delivery
· Whether or not they can get the products or services elsewhere

Since you're not Amazon or eBay, you'll have to rely on the other four factors. The first three go a long way toward Internet marketing success, but the fourth is often the deciding factor.
In general, you have three to ten seconds to interest a potential customer before they click away from your website. If you can offer them something different, they'll stick around for a while. There are two steps to finding your niche: choosing an industry you love, and determining what that industry is missing.

Do That Which You Love
Your customers aren't the only ones who have to love your products or services. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, your online business is practically doomed before you get started.
You must be able to generate enthusiasm for your business. Particularly in the early stages, you will be living and breathing whatever it is you've chosen to pursue. If you get sick of it, you'll put less effort into making it work.

Other than staying power, having passion for your business helps you increase sales. When you're enthusiastic about your products or services, and you truly believe what you have will benefit other people, that passion comes through in your dealings with customers-even on the Internet.

Have you ever worked with anyone who really enjoyed their job? Almost every workplace has one: the co-worker who has a smile and a greeting for everyone, who knows every customer by name. This person never comes in late, and never seems in a rush to leave. You can bet he or she doesn't watch the clock all day, and isn't exhausted after work.
When you have passion for your work, it spills over into every area of your life. You'll find yourself looking forward to getting started instead of dreading the alarm clock. At the end of the day, you'll feel refreshed and energized instead of drained and discouraged

What if you can't do what you love? Maybe your one true passion is stamp collecting-an admittedly tough field to make a living in. However, even those with specialized interests can find some way to blend enthusiasm with work. If you can't do what you love, then love what you do! The avid stamp collector might consider creating an exclusive line of hobbyist equipment.

Start Your Home Business Right Now!
Once you've determined the best area for your business, it's time to do some brainstorming and research. Find out what your industry is missing, and develop a product or service that will fill that need-this will be your niche.

Before you begin your brainstorming process, keep two things in mind. One: have a notebook and pen with you at all times to write down ideas as they occur. And two: write down any idea that occurs, no matter how far-fetched it may seem.

One of your crazy ideas might just develop into a viable niche product. With that in mind, here are some ways to discover the missing link in your business area.

Improve an existing product. Have you ever bought something with great expectations, only to find out it didn't quite meet your needs? Is there anything related to your business topic you can think of that could be improved-and do you think you can improve it? If you can make an existing product better, you can present your improvements to the existing market.
You can do it! I trust that you have the ability to make the change right now!

Article Source:
By Brett Mallory

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

How to Gain Respect and Support for Yourself and Your Business

To gain respect from others, you have to respect yourself first. People will give you their undying respect as long as they recognise that you portray these 3 key attributes: trustworthiness, integrity and mindfulness. Because having these qualities demonstrates your level of consciousness and maturity.

When people respect you, it is easier to get their support. Getting people to give you continuous support, also requires you to apply yourself. Here are ways to help you make an impact on people whom you want respect and support from.

1. Be exuberant and passionate

People love those who exude vibrancy and passion about their life, particularly about what they do. Think of this: how stimulating do you find people who are forever talking about their "great ideas" and what they want to do and yet, never starting anything? Now that's a damper!

2. Be unique and individualistic

Are you unique and stand out with your own style and personality?

If you are afraid to voice your opinion, and would rather fit in, I can assure you that it will be difficult to command respect from others. And without respect, no support. This doesn't mean that you have to constantly come up with new innovations. It simply implies that you don't suck up to people, just because you want validation. The best validation is to be true to yourself.

3. Be a great listener

All great listeners are magnetic and charismatic.

There is no charm that equals that of a good listener. Here is an experience I had in a restaurant with my husband not too long ago. I noticed that my husband was fascinated by a woman sitting a few tables way from us.

When I asked him what got him so fascinated about her. He replied that the woman was just fascinating to watch, because she was listening so intently to her partner. Her eyes were on him, as she leaned forward, giving him her feedback, and at the same time not interrupting him. While she let him know that she was hearing him, she also held up her end of the conversation.

Then my husband said something remarkable: "She's the kind of woman I normally wouldn't pay attention to on the street, but while sitting there, listening and being interested the way she's doing now, makes her attractive."

True listening embodies careful attention, patience and honestly wanting to understand what the other person is saying. It also fosters good relationship.

4. Be a life long student

Let people know that you're willing to learn from them and be genuine about it.

Learning is growing, and growing is learning. You cannot learn all by yourself. To truly grow, you need others along the way. And when you show people your willingness and enthusiasm to learn from them, you'll be amazed how helpful and happy they will be to support you.

Be open and get to know people who are different from you. If you're interested in something, never be afraid to ask questions. You won't be ridiculed for showing real interest.

Do you know people who have stopped learning? Do you find them interesting to have around? Probably not! So do yourself the favour of becoming an avid learner.

5. Be authentic and reliable

Before you make a promise, make sure you can deliver.

Keeping your word is very crucial to building trust and credibility. There's nothing more detrimental to your image, than having people believing in you and letting them down.

There are times you may genuinely try to fulfil your promise and it just doesn't work out. In that case, be honest about it and apologize. No one will hold that against you.

6. Be generous

A generous heart gives freely without having any expectations.

Don't try to buy people's loyalty or support. It will backfire on you! You will reap more benefit and reward from giving truly from your heart, rather than being calculating. Even if you don't get something in return, the eternal laws of reciprocity will find a way to balance things out for you and give you your dues.

7. Be direct and have boundaries

When you have something to say, just say it and let people know where you stand.

Letting people know what you want and don't want, liberates you and those around you. Don't allow people to walk all over you. Let them know your boundaries.

For instance, to avoid lying about a proposition which may not interest you, an appropriate answer could be: "I'm sorry that doesn't work for me right now". This is a straightforward and truthful answer making it easy for you and for others to move on.

In conclusion, do you trust and respect yourself? If you don't, no one else will. This especially means be true to yourself and what you believe in. Just as Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves".

Author: Kunbi Korostensky, N.D., Psychotherapist and Certified Life Coach:
Article Source:

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Goal Mapping Brian Mayne

A great way to help set and achieve your goals!

Could you use a 'Stop Doing' list?

One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list.

To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list.

I first read about the "Stop Doing" list in "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. He stated that one of the commonalities of the companies who were able to propel themselves from being just good to being great is that they all looked at what they were currently doing that they needed to Stop Doing. I am implementing this idea in a slightly different way, but I think a "Stop Doing" list can actually help your productivity and effectiveness.

So how do you decide what goes on your "Stop Doing" list? Here's what I suggest you do.
For the next week or two, each time you work on your "to do" list (and if you are not using one currently, I strongly recommend you start), or blocking off time for specific tasks in you planner, ask yourself this question: "does this task add value or generate positive results for me and my organization?" If the answer is no, it should go right on top of your "Stop Doing" list.

If the answer is "yes", ask yourself a second question: "am I the best person to do this task?" The first question tells you whether you can eliminate a task. This question tells you whether you can delegate a task. I

know for solo-business people, you automatically think that you have no one to delegate any tasks to. But actually, that might not necessarily be true. Today, there is a whole network of virtual assistants who can handle a myriad of administrative work for you. Some accept work by the hour, and some accept work by the project.

For some people, you may have to then overcome your resistance to delegating. I've heard many of the reasons. Do these sound familiar?
  • By the time I explain it to someone else, I could have done it myself
  • I can't trust somebody else to do it right
  • It costs too much money
Some of these are completely legitimate concerns. However, before you dismiss the idea, consider the following:
  • Is the task repetitive so that the up-front time investment to train someone is actually worth it 3 months down the road?
  • Are you the most qualified person to complete the task, or could someone else do it in less time with less effort for better results?
  • If you didn't have to do the task, what would you choose to spend that time on, and what impact will that have on your business, or your life?
So, after considering these tough questions, add your delegated task to your "Stop Doing" list as well and send them elsewhere, and I guarantee you will feel better.

Even though I wrote this article for people struggling with overload at work, the same approach can be applied to create a "Stop Doing" list for home. Think of the possibilities - you can delegate laundry, and cooking, and yard work, and cleaning, and what else?

Seriously, the current state of our lives is that there is generally too much to do and not enough time. So, go through this exercise at least once and see what you can shed from your "to do" list. If you like the results, then establish a routine and do this every 6 months or a year. The point is that you want to spend your time on high impact tasks, and work that you enjoy.

Article Source:
By: Inez Ng

mr. Money Mustache ● Pete Adeney WDS 2016 ● The Man Who Retired before...

This is humorous, honest and authentic... really worth a listen! T&P

Monday, 27 March 2017

Pensions and Long Term Care

Why You Should Turn Again to Property

Most people have this plan in life – they work for a large (secure?) organisation, for 40 years or more, and then they feel that the organisation will repay their loyalty by providing them with quite a sizable top-up to their State pensions.

Most people have this plan in life – they work for a large (secure?) organisation, for 40 years or more, and then they feel that the organisation will repay their loyalty by providing them with quite a sizable top-up to their State pensions.

How wrong can they be? Look at the chaos caused over the last few years on both sides of the Atlantic where companies have either illegally or by bankruptcy robbed hundreds of thousands of hard-working, loyal employees, their right to a comfortable retirement – Murdock and Equitable Life in the UK; Enron, IBM and now Delphi in the States are just the tip of the iceberg.

Then there is another highly relevant issue – that of long term care. In the UK particularly, human rights for older people remains a very uncertain area, and unless you have money or very vociferous friends and relatives, you could become victim of bureaucratic activities. As reported in the Telegraph Money section recently, a couple who had lived together since the beginning of the Second World War ( 65 years of togetherness) found that when the husband had to go into a care home, his wife was refused permission to move in with him. Enforced divorce by the Welfare state? Luckily the couple’s family rallied to their rescue, and Gloucester County Council relented and the couple are now reunited.

The only way to combat the ills that financial insecurity can create in our dotage, is to take control of our finances now so that we will not be at the hands of some faceless bureaucrat.   In an attempt to overcome this uncertainty, many people are turning back to one of the bedrocks of financial security – property.

But to many ‘average’ people, the thought of investing in property is seen as a privilege that only the very rich – and therefore those totally unaffected by the pension crisis – can afford to indulge in.

However, many of these folk are already into property investment, and don’t yet realise it. One thing most of us are brought up to believe is that we should, as soon as we are able, get a foot on the property ladder and buy our own house. But then it all goes a bit pear-shaped….

Most of us live in this house we have bought, usually with a really low cost, long term mortgage, and we then have this urgent desire to pay off the mortgage as quickly as we can, so when we retire, we can live rent-free in our own property. That is what we are taught to do in school, by our parents, by society in general.

Very commendable – but what about our standard of living on retirement? Or our choice of care homes when the inevitable happens? We may have a nice house to live in, but if all of a sudden, we are only getting a fraction of our usual income, due to retirement or long term illness, what happens to the nice car, the good holidays, the freedom to go and see all the family when we want to?

Over the lifetime of the mortgage the average property - wherever it is situated, has been increasing in value by around 8% every year. With the average price of a house in the UK now at £150,000, that represents a growth of around £12,000 every year. After 10 years, that will amount to some £120,000 (about $205,000 to our US cousins), so you could have at your disposal a lot of this money by refinancing your house.

With the average deposit needed to buy another house as an investment in the UK being around 15%, and the average UK home costing £150,000, another house would require you to raise around £22,500 deposit, so in theory, you could go out and buy and 5 more houses using the equity in your existing house, and each house growing in equity by 8% (£12,000 each per year), you would see your net worth grow by around £60,000 every year! That’s all good and dandy, but now you have 5 extra mortgages of around £127,000 each, each one costing around £550 a month to service. This is what most people find is still the most daunting, and even terrifying prospect, of investing in property.

However, there are organisations around who specialise in locating property both in the UK and in places such as Spain where properties can be brought for very low amounts of money down, and for the uninitiated, full rental guarantees for up to 10 years can be provided in some cases. OK, the trade off is that there would be little or no rental income, but the mortgage would be paid with no worries, and the capital growth after 5, 10, or more years would provide a very tidy capital nest egg indeed.

But – and there is always a ‘But’ – where there is money to be made, sharks tend to circle, and before anybody rushes out and starts to buy low money down property, they should seek sound financial advice from an independent financial advisor.

Source: Free Articles from
Author : Geoff Morris has built up a multi-million dollar property portfolio in less than 18 months.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Paradigm Shifting:

The Power of Positive Thinking

Success starts with a state of mind. Christopher Columbus knew it. Thomas Edison lived it. Michael Dell and Bill Gates believe it. And Marcus Aurelius said it, ""Our life is what our thoughts make of it... A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself... "

You may ask why this is so. The formula for this is quite simple.

1. What you believe, you act on. Action begins with, and is instigated by, belief. You can not act on something that you do not, at some level, believe in, whether you are in favour of, or in opposition to, a particular idea or ideal, that position is held firm by your belief.

2. What you act on, you manifest. Any action you take results in some consequence. Every action in the universe is met with and equal reaction. Whether you are starting a conversation with a stranger, trying to learn new things, or simply looking at the food in your pantry, any action you take regarding these things WILL RESULT in a tangible "re-action". Perhaps it will be a new friendship. Perhaps it will be deeper knowledge achieved through your research. Perhaps it will simply be dinner!

3. What you manifest creates your reality. This is your personal paradigm.

The only variable in this process is the strength and duration of your belief. If your belief is not strong, if it weak or vacillating, then you are not likely to act on it. If you do not act on it, then you can not manifest it and it can not become part of your reality; your personal paradigm.

This is quite difficult for most people to comprehend, and even more difficult to implement. We have a tendency to repeat old mistakes and resist change, although we know deep down inside that change is inevitable. Nothing stays the same forever. There is an old saying that defines insanity as the expectation that acting in the same way will produce different results.

People who are successful and happy are people who have mastered the art of change. They are not afraid to revisit their prior actions and approach their goal differently, so that they are NOT acting in the same way while expecting different results. They are not afraid to move out of their comfort zones. Rather, they understand that in order for growth to occur, they must have the courage to live outside their comfort zones. Page 220 of Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life states this truth eloquently and he writes, "There is no growth without change; no change without fear or loss; no loss without pain." Successful people know this, and do not let fear, the occasional set back (i.e. interim failure), or doubt alter their vision or deter them from their goal.

Having a definitive, crystalline goal is the first step in forming your personal paradigm. You MUST be able to visualize the final end product or outcome of your goal or the end-product. It must be a singular achievement that you are passionate about.

Christopher Columbus KNEW that he could sail west and not fall off a flat planet. He hoped to find India. He happened to stumble into America, but nonetheless, he sailed west and lived to tell about it!

Thomas Edison KNEW he could create a practical incandescent lightbulb. He tested over 3000 filaments before he found one that worked, but he did it; and he revolutionized the world!

Michael Dell KNEW that he could overtake the computer behemoth IBM; and look at him now. Bill Gates KNOWS that eventually "every home will have a personal computer." He is well on his way to achieving that vision.

Goals, such as these, are not achieved overnight. All worthwhile achievements take time. So you must be patient, consistent, and persistent in your effort. You must have the faith to BELIEVE in your goals to maintain your desire to succeed.

By knowing this truth, you can begin to shape and mould your reality by taking steps, every day, to create a crystalline vision of what your want your reality to be. Be prepared, however, because this is not easy. It takes work. It takes courage. And, most of all, it takes the fortitude of persistence so that you put aside all thoughts of and encounters with failure, and you view failure as an opportunity or an obstacle to overcome, but not an end in and of itself.

However, once you have formed your vision; once you have set your crystalline goal as a fixture into your thoughts, you WILL begin to take action toward your goal. It is inevitable. All action is instigated by your belief. Further, what you act on, you manifest. Therefore, you will soon find yourself attracting opportunities, ideas, solutions, and people who can and will propel you toward achieving your goals.

Success is no secret that is available only to an elite few. It is available to everyone, all the time. It is the certainty of the power that you possess - the power of your own beliefs to create and manifest your own personal paradigm; you success paradigm.

So I ask you, what is your paradigm? What Do You Believe?

Author: Ms. Amy Potavin's
Article Source: - Free Website Content

Friday, 24 March 2017

Rylan Clark-Neal pranks shoppers in Sainsbury's for Comic Relief

                           Happy Red Nose Day! 

         Good luck with your fundraising! 


How To Get Rich | 5 Rich Principles That Change Your Life

Watch the clip below and please share your thoughts. I think the underlying message is to spend your money on Assets and that will, in time, generate enough income for you to live the lifestyle you wish to. Do you agree? Px


Warren Buffet's top success tips

Monday, 20 March 2017

Warren Buffett - HBO Documentary 2017 [HD]

Suffering From Lack Of Money?
4 Steps To Change Your Money Mindset

Having a proper money mindset takes practice. If you are suffering from a lack of money and looking for a way to change your circumstances, these 4 steps are crucial.

Most people a tendency to shy away from addressing the MONEY issue? Why do most people shy away from talking about money? Usually because they suffer from a LACK OF MONEY. Kind of like you being reluctant to check your bank account when there is not much money in there right? We all do it.

So, the issue then becomes, not MONEY itself but a lack of money that the individual is dealing with. You see, having a lack in any area, whether it be a lack of money, or lack of time, or lack of friends, or a lack of quality co-workers, or whatever, creates a mindset that focuses on the LACK.

You see, if you mindset focuses on the LACK of something, whatever the lack may be, then according to the 8 RULES OF THE SUBSCONSCIOUS MIND, then the mind moves you in the direction of your focus. So, focusing on the LACK OF MONEY creates more LACK OF MONEY.

That's great Chris, you may ask. So how do we change this mindset of focusing on the lack? First of all, understanding that your mindset about money is made up of 4 things, your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings, and the decision you make about money controls your mindset.

4 Steps to change your money mindset are detailed below.

Step 1 
Make A Firm Decision. If you desire more money, then the first thing you must do is make a firm decision that you will have more money. If you desire to be wealthy, then you must make a firm decision that you will be wealthy. Keep in mind that money or wealth to one person usually has a totally different meaning to money or wealth to another. But, what will always remain a constant is the Firm Decision to have more and create a change in your current circumstances. When you make a firm decision there is no looking back.

Step 2
Understand the 8 Rules of The Subconscious Mind. Understanding how the mind works is crucial to your success. After all your current circumstances are a direct reflection of what goes through your head. Your thoughts control your actions. So lets get a better understanding of how your subconscious mind works. One of the most important rules of the subconscious mind states that 'What is expected tends to be realized'. So now we are back to step 1 and focused on the lack.

Step 3
Understand Why you want to make a change. You see, if you understand why you want more money or why you want more wealth, the brain will figure out how to obtain it. For instance, if you want more money so you can spend more time with your children, then your brain will figure out how this can be done, assuming you made the firm decision in step 1 above. Once you understand why you have made the firm decision to have more, your actions will support you. After all, its your actions that will get you where you want to go.

Step 4
Let Go of What's Holding You Back. Most people know they need to break a bad habit or end a bad relationships or whatever the case may be that's keeping you from where you want to go. Don't ignore it. Let Go and move forward. 

Once you have the proper mindset, your results are predictable and can be measured like a calculator.


Friday, 17 March 2017

Happy St Patrick's Day Everyone!

How Do You Select The Best Property Management Software?

Property management can be a challenge, especially without the right tools. Getting the right software program is very essential in helping you streamline the process of handling your growing business and to keep it organized. More and more companies are eliminating paperwork by choosing software solutions that can handle all important functions including management of documents. But then how do you go about selecting the best property management software for your business?

Step 1 - Start by focusing on what you need
Avoid choosing software that is an overkill or under-kill for your business. It is important that you evaluate exactly what you need the software program for; you can separate office accounting needs from property management needs to cut costs of the software program. Consider whether it is important for the system to help you with tenant background checks, liability and asset accounting and budgeting so you do not waste your time on a solution you really do not need. Whereas you do not want to go overboard when choosing the system, you also do not want to end up with a program that cannot handle the most basic things for your business. It helps to at least ensure that the management software you settle for can automatically post management fees, rent and late fees, maintain separate ledgers for tenants and owners, easily update information via a friendly interface, handle different property types without additional module buying and deal with bank deposits and checks.

Step 2 - Check all important features
There are so many features that may not be that critical to the management process of the property, but they will prove to be valuable on your software. Some of the features that can make a difference in your system include reminder features to help track appointments, pop-up lists of owners and tenants owing you money, features that help check tenant info for log back payments and credit references, automated rent amount updates, automated account updates and other. The more you are able to do with the program the better the convenience you stand to enjoy running your property business.

Step 3 - Confirm support, reliability and reasonable pricing

Most property management software companies fail in offering the needed support. Some may even compel you to pay for software updates to enjoy technical support, whereas others may offer free support for a limited time frame and start charging for any support beyond that. Choose a support plan you can fully trust in and rely on. On the same line, you should take the mandate to check for any hidden costs when buying the software. Ask as many relevant questions as possible and read as much as you can about what you stand to gain using the solution before making the final purchase. It helps to choose a software program that is easy to install and use and one that comes with a comprehensive inbuilt help file. Keep off programs that require you pay for updates and research.

By Mohammed El Baz
Article Source:

Thursday, 16 March 2017

How The Stock Exchange Works (For Dummies)

Stay Broke Not Poor!

Stay broke! You heard me, stay broke but not poor. What is the difference? Broke is a temporary situation. Broke people have money they just misuse it. Poor is being destitute or lacking sufficient resources. I got this from Grant Cardone's, The Millionaire Booklet. It also aligns with Dave Ramsey's concept of naming every dollar.

This is about increasing cash flow and wealth building. Staying broke is a financial strategy to help you reach financial freedom. What does staying broke not poor really mean? First, it means having a monthly cash-flow plan (budget). Second, you are practicing delayed gratification. Third, reinvesting your money into yourself and your business.
This is for wealth builders. Those entrepreneurs who are not playing average. The average business owner in the United states makes less $25,000 per year. 91% of all small businesses earn less than $250,000 per year and 80% of entrepreneurs are failing within 18 months of start-up. Playing average sucks. So don't play average.

Perfect Examples
You see examples of entertainers and athletes who get paid big and a few years later are filing bankruptcy. There is no shortage of stories of athletes or entertainers that have filed bankruptcy or have became broke after a big payday. Top draft picks start buying toys, living lavishly, or make bad business decisions. Entertainers throw big parties, "buy" the bar, and get into debt buying things they can't afford.

You check out Wikipedia for the statistics of famous people going broke or filing bankruptcy. These are prime examples of people who got big pay-checks but did not stay broke. Athletes have a short career. There is a short window for them to produce a huge amount of income. Entertainers have to stay relevant in their industry before the well runs dry. You, as an entrepreneur, have the ability to continue to produce.

Stay Broke
Understand that I am not telling you to cramp your current lifestyle. Staying broke requires discipline. It is making sure that you focus 95% of your time building your biggest assets. Which is you and your business. Grow faster by staying on a budget and reinvesting in your business.

People underestimate how long it takes to be successful in generating positive cash-flow. They do not prepare for the peaks and valleys that are going to occur. Furthermore they are not ready for the lean times or when a part of their business fails. But staying broke can help you weather the storm that comes.

5.5Aspects of Staying Broke

1.Cashflow Plan - In order to stay broke you have to know where your money is going. Everyone needs a cash-flow plan. Know where every dollar is going. Give every cent an assignment. Money that doesn't have an assignment tends to get lost. Tracking your dollars keeps you out of financial trouble. Money that hangs around with no purpose gets spent, wasted, or blown.

2. Delayed Gratification - I made this mistake often. I would spend my bonuses and every huge increase. I was naïve to think it will always come in. I didn't save or reinvest into my business. Thus I became broke and homeless....stupid huh? Especially when you don't have the assets to support it. Leave the flashiness behind. Forget impressing people and being "turn up".

That big client you just landed doesn't signal it's time to spend and get stupid with the new increase. Delay that impulse. Put that money back into your business to create more revenue. Go land some more big clients. Delay indulgence now so you can indulge later when you are financial free.

3. Increase Income - Income is king and this is the only thing that matters. Remember, we are not playing average. Businesses succeed when revenue increases. Incremental increase is key. Going from $4k per month to $4 million over night is nearly impossible. Look to double your income over the next several months. Always look to increase revenue. More sales = success.

4. Sacred Accounts - Put all that extra income into Sacred Accounts. When something is sacred you do not touch it. You don't violated it. This money is for future use to help create more assets. I have a real estate account which I haven't touched in years. I put a portion of my income into it every month. All of my extra cash goes into that account and I don't touch it.

You are saving to invest. Not saving to save. This money is designated to a future purpose to create more income. It could be a second business, real estate, or something else that will increase your income flows. The key is... you are not just saving. You are studying while you are saving and learning about your next investment.

Understand it could be years before you pull the trigger. I have saved in my real estate account for 2 years. I am studying and active in the areas I want to invest in. Study while you save.

5. Reinvest Your Profits - A part goes to your sacred accounts. Reinvest the rest after all your necessities are taken care of. Put that the money back into your business and yourself. Need to invest in coaching to get better? Then do it.

5.5 These Things Take Time - Idea + Hard Work x Time + Discipline = Success. Are you committed to getting rich? How serious are you about creating wealth? I don't know how long it will take you to produce a six figure income. I do know it takes work, time, discipline, and access to capital. My mentor went from welfare to earning $10 million dollars in less than 3 years.

Game Time
Success takes time. Stay broke and continue to grind. The choice to stay broke is yours. You are voluntarily choosing to build your business so you can be financially free later. "Pay the price now so you can pay the any price later" - Grant Cardone

Written by: Charles Fitzgerald Butler

Article Source:

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

10 Predictions for the UK Property Market in 2017

What are your predictions... we'd love to hear!
Building Your Property Investment
As you start your real estate investing business or continue to grow as an investor you will soon learn that building a solid team is a top priority. Many people I talk to go to several seminars each year, are always reading a real estate investment book and flat out spend thousands on education trying to learn everything there is to know about real estate. All of this is great but once you have done all the training you still need to put it into action and get going on finding a real deal and getting a team together.

 One of the most brilliant things I have ever heard originally came from Henry Ford. Once upon a time he was giving testimony in court and did not know how to answer several questions about his company. The attorney asked him how he was able to run such a large and successful company without being able to answer basic questions about its operation. He responded with something similar to "I don't need to know the answers to these questions, I just need to know who to call to get the answers"

If you understand what he is saying here this should eliminate 99% of anything that is holding you back in real estate. The key is not knowing everything but building a solid investment team to give you advice or provide the services you need to prosper.

I can't tell you how nice it is to know exactly who I am going to call no matter what the issue is that comes up. This virtually eliminates stress from my life and allows me to handle any problems no matter where I am.

Here is a partial list of professionals that will help ensure your success:
· Estate Agent
· Mortgage broker/banker/other funding sources
· Solicitor (you might have several)
· Accountant
· Insurance broker
· Contractor/handyman
· Property manager

Here is a quick list of important qualification when choosing team members:

They invest in real estate- You need someone that understands what you are doing and that has experience in the industry. Just because your neighbour is an estate agent with 20 years experience does not mean that he understands investing and the different strategies that will help make you rich. People who are doing what you are doing will be the best to give you sound advice.

Care about your goals - When you speak to a possible team member see if they ask you about your goals and what it is you are trying to accomplish. Someone who does all the talking and none of the listening is obviously in the business for their benefit and probably does not care if you reach your goals or not. Occasionally Travis or I will tell a client that the deal they are working on is not a deal at all. We walk them through the numbers and show them why they need to pass. Often they get angry at us because they are emotional about the deal but will call us several months later to say thank you. Be sure the potential team member wants you to succeed and is not just trying to get a commission.

Qualified - This is pretty self explanatory. If they say they are a Realtor you may want to be sure they are. I like working with the best so often times I will ask for referrals and verify those and inquire about how long they have been in business. They best way to find team members is referrals from other successful real estate investors.

Reasonable fees - Don't be cheap but don't pay someone more than the going rate for their service. This should be easy to verify online. When I say don't be cheap I mean it, many times you will get what you pay for. There are expenses related to running this business just like any other business so be prepared to pay your team members.

Chemistry - You are not getting married here but you want to work with someone you can stand to be around. Ask yourself if you like the person and can handle spending time with them. Do you feel the feeling is mutual? You will also want to ask if you can trust them.

So, what are you waiting for... go get your team!

Article Source:

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


So, what do you focus on that is stopping you from getting ahead? Me... well I have to confess I'm pretty bad at getting heated over IT problems, that's when I stress the small stuff the most lol Tx

Friday, 10 March 2017

The Middle Class Squeeze

So does this sound like you?... if it is, stick around to find out lots of ways to get yourself out of the quagmire! P&T xx