Friday, 28 April 2017
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Tips on Improving Your Finances for Life
There is no way to avoid dealing with money and finances these
days. Therefore you should try to learn as much as possible to help you
make good financial decisions and to increase your confidence about
When you make a budget, it should be realistic regarding
your income and spending habits. Be sure to include all of your income
such as alimony, child support, rental income, or any other. Always use
your net income not your gross earnings in these calculations. Once you
have the numbers, you can consider how to adjust your spending to stay
within your income range. To maintain your budget never exceed your
incoming cash flow.
The next step is to total up your expenses, and you should make a list of all monthly expenses. Your list should document each and every expense that you have whether it expense, spontaneous or just a one time expense. Remember that this list needs to have a complete breakdown of your costs. Be sure to add in expenses that you have from restaurant dinners and fast food as well as grocery bills. Reduce expenses linked to your cars, such as gas and insurance. If you have payments that you make quarterly or less frequently, divide them up to reflect a monthly payment. Make sure you include incidental expenses, for instance, baby sitters or storage unit rentals. Try to have the most accurate list possible.
Now that you have a good idea of your income and expenditures, you can start planning a new budget. Look at each expenditure on your list, and decide what you could do without. If you normally buy coffee from a cafe, calculate how much money you would save on a weekly basis if you bought it from McDonald's instead, or made it at home. Exactly what and how much you are willing to compromise is completely up to you. The first step is identifying expenses that are not necessary so you can use the money for something else.
If your utility bills are rising, you may want to upgrade your appliances to save some money. Upgrading to well-fitted double-glazed windows, for example, can reduce your heating bill dramatically. Besides you can repair any leaky pipes and only run the dishwasher with a full load.
Swap old, inefficient appliances for those that use less energy. Although doing so may cost you some money upfront, over the long-term you will save a fair penny on your utility bills. Unplug the appliances you do not need. In time you will notice significant savings in your energy consumption.
You can make a significant decrease in your heating and cooling bills by improving your insulation, as well as the roof above it. Insulation or roofing issues can be very costly, as maintaining a regular temperature in the home can be expensive. If you invest in the upgrades, it will save you a lot of money in the long run.
Using these tips not only saves you money, but it also helps you start bringing your budget under control. An expensive upgrade can save a lot of money in lowering electricity or water bills. This is one way that you can make your budget more reliable.
The next step is to total up your expenses, and you should make a list of all monthly expenses. Your list should document each and every expense that you have whether it expense, spontaneous or just a one time expense. Remember that this list needs to have a complete breakdown of your costs. Be sure to add in expenses that you have from restaurant dinners and fast food as well as grocery bills. Reduce expenses linked to your cars, such as gas and insurance. If you have payments that you make quarterly or less frequently, divide them up to reflect a monthly payment. Make sure you include incidental expenses, for instance, baby sitters or storage unit rentals. Try to have the most accurate list possible.
Now that you have a good idea of your income and expenditures, you can start planning a new budget. Look at each expenditure on your list, and decide what you could do without. If you normally buy coffee from a cafe, calculate how much money you would save on a weekly basis if you bought it from McDonald's instead, or made it at home. Exactly what and how much you are willing to compromise is completely up to you. The first step is identifying expenses that are not necessary so you can use the money for something else.
If your utility bills are rising, you may want to upgrade your appliances to save some money. Upgrading to well-fitted double-glazed windows, for example, can reduce your heating bill dramatically. Besides you can repair any leaky pipes and only run the dishwasher with a full load.
Swap old, inefficient appliances for those that use less energy. Although doing so may cost you some money upfront, over the long-term you will save a fair penny on your utility bills. Unplug the appliances you do not need. In time you will notice significant savings in your energy consumption.
You can make a significant decrease in your heating and cooling bills by improving your insulation, as well as the roof above it. Insulation or roofing issues can be very costly, as maintaining a regular temperature in the home can be expensive. If you invest in the upgrades, it will save you a lot of money in the long run.
Using these tips not only saves you money, but it also helps you start bringing your budget under control. An expensive upgrade can save a lot of money in lowering electricity or water bills. This is one way that you can make your budget more reliable.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Change the Way You Speak to Yourself and Increase Your Chances of Success
A lot of people really want to break away from the normal 9 to 5 and a lot take the first tentative steps towards making this life changing move.
They may attend a seminar by someone who has done just what they would like to do, they may have even paid for a course that takes them step by step through the process of setting up a great money making system.
I know when I decided I wanted to break away from the rat race I did all of the above and more, spending thousands of pounds in the process BUT like most people, I never really got beyond those first few steps, in fact it was over TEN YEARS before I actually put something into action. The amazing thing was after all that time it was one of the first ways to make money I learned of that I acted on and I have never looked back since.
So why do we do this? Why don't we take action if we want something as bad as we say we do? Why do we sit and procrastinate instead of doing something about it?
I know from experience one of the main reasons is fear!
Fear of failure / change / unknown / what other people will think of us,etc.
But generally it comes back to that one irrational emotion;
False Evidence Appearing Real
The good news is we CAN do something about it, with a bit of effort.
What we have to do is change our mindset and to do this the first thing is to change the way we speak to ourselves.
From very early on in life we talk to ourselves and what we say and how we say it has a big influence on how we react to the situations as an adult. Over time we brainwash ourselves with all kinds of limiting thoughts of what we should do and what should make us happy.
After a while this self talk programs our subconscious mind into accepting that we should be happy with what we do and what we have. After all you have a job/food on the table/ a roof over your head/ a car etc. so you should be satisfied with your lot right?
But is this really YOUR definition of happiness? Are you really satisfied with your lot? I'm guessing that as you are reading this the answer is a resounding NO!
Well then it's time to admit to yourself that you are unhappy with where you are at this moment and that you are no longer going to accept life as it is. It's time to make your life what it can be and what it should be.
According to psychologists how we view life and ourselves is largely set in stone by the time we are six years old. Just think about that, everything we do in life, every decision we make and what we expect to achieve is largely influenced by what kind of experiences we had in those first few years!
Scary eh?
So what does this mean?
It means that most of us talk to ourselves in a negative and unhelpful manner and this in turn restricts what we do or achieve with our lives.
Throughout the day we are talking to ourselves constantly either out loud or in our heads. Some of this self-talk is good - your dreams, your wants, your desires, the little things that make you smile.
BUT some of it is negative and this stems from those experiences we were talking of earlier, those limiting influences that have got you nowhere. This kind of self-talk is what holds you back and stops you from doing the things in life that you dream about.
This kind of self-talk is destructive and needs to be avoided at ALL costs. You must be aware of everything you are saying to yourself, whether it be out loud or in your head and when you find you are speaking to yourself in a negative way STOP!
Listen out for the positive things you say and concentrate on these instead, this is the kind of self-talk you have to nurture and as you do the negative self-talk will die back.
Once you allow the positive self-talk to flourish you will find great things start to happen with you as a person, to the way other people see and treat you and with your life in general.
Article Source:
They may attend a seminar by someone who has done just what they would like to do, they may have even paid for a course that takes them step by step through the process of setting up a great money making system.
I know when I decided I wanted to break away from the rat race I did all of the above and more, spending thousands of pounds in the process BUT like most people, I never really got beyond those first few steps, in fact it was over TEN YEARS before I actually put something into action. The amazing thing was after all that time it was one of the first ways to make money I learned of that I acted on and I have never looked back since.
So why do we do this? Why don't we take action if we want something as bad as we say we do? Why do we sit and procrastinate instead of doing something about it?
I know from experience one of the main reasons is fear!
Fear of failure / change / unknown / what other people will think of us,etc.
But generally it comes back to that one irrational emotion;
False Evidence Appearing Real
The good news is we CAN do something about it, with a bit of effort.
What we have to do is change our mindset and to do this the first thing is to change the way we speak to ourselves.
From very early on in life we talk to ourselves and what we say and how we say it has a big influence on how we react to the situations as an adult. Over time we brainwash ourselves with all kinds of limiting thoughts of what we should do and what should make us happy.
After a while this self talk programs our subconscious mind into accepting that we should be happy with what we do and what we have. After all you have a job/food on the table/ a roof over your head/ a car etc. so you should be satisfied with your lot right?
But is this really YOUR definition of happiness? Are you really satisfied with your lot? I'm guessing that as you are reading this the answer is a resounding NO!
Well then it's time to admit to yourself that you are unhappy with where you are at this moment and that you are no longer going to accept life as it is. It's time to make your life what it can be and what it should be.
According to psychologists how we view life and ourselves is largely set in stone by the time we are six years old. Just think about that, everything we do in life, every decision we make and what we expect to achieve is largely influenced by what kind of experiences we had in those first few years!
Scary eh?
So what does this mean?
It means that most of us talk to ourselves in a negative and unhelpful manner and this in turn restricts what we do or achieve with our lives.
Throughout the day we are talking to ourselves constantly either out loud or in our heads. Some of this self-talk is good - your dreams, your wants, your desires, the little things that make you smile.
BUT some of it is negative and this stems from those experiences we were talking of earlier, those limiting influences that have got you nowhere. This kind of self-talk is what holds you back and stops you from doing the things in life that you dream about.
This kind of self-talk is destructive and needs to be avoided at ALL costs. You must be aware of everything you are saying to yourself, whether it be out loud or in your head and when you find you are speaking to yourself in a negative way STOP!
Listen out for the positive things you say and concentrate on these instead, this is the kind of self-talk you have to nurture and as you do the negative self-talk will die back.
Once you allow the positive self-talk to flourish you will find great things start to happen with you as a person, to the way other people see and treat you and with your life in general.
Article Source:
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Monday, 24 April 2017
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Friday, 21 April 2017
Reclaim Your Life by Recognizing Prosperity
As you go through the process of reclaiming your life, is there
any possibility that you may be dismissing, ignoring, or discounting
some of the prosperity in your life? While, at the same time, desiring,
longing for, chasing after and working "really hard" to have more, never
seeming to really get it?
There are those who ignore prosperity (usually because it does not look exactly like they think it should look);
You might want to take a few moments to check out your definition of prosperity and see how encompassing it is.
Then there are those who "do" prosperity every single day.
They write and say their affirmations every day.
They choose very carefully the words they say out loud thereby doing the basic law of prosperity...what you radiate out comes back.
They mentally picture what they want every day.
They create a wheel of fortune and look at it every day thereby invoking the imaging law of prosperity.
They give away something or clear something out of their homes and lives every day thinking they are invoking the vacuum law of prosperity.
In other words, they follow all of the rules of prosperity and then wait for their reward.
It is like they put their order in at the desk at Home Depot and are now waiting at the loading ramp to pick it up and take it home.
Unfortunately, that is just not the way it works.
It really works by living prosperously, by "being" prosperous in any given moment.
It is about the spirit of prosperity.
It is about seeing and embracing all prosperity; not just the financial kind.
It is only when you can see and embrace ALL of the prosperity in your life, that is, live the laws of prosperity rather than just following the rules of prosperity, that you will truly begin to reap the benefits of true prosperity.....including financial.
Living the spirit of the laws of prosperity will probably take some practice for most of us.
Consider focusing on you and your possible prosperity for the next 28 days and follow the practice steps below to see how much prosperity you can recognize, accept and embrace in your life.
So, through all of this make sure you stay aware of your reality.....
What is my financial situation?
How can I have it be better?
Is there anything I need to deal with physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually in order to clear the path for my prosperity?
If there is, then take the steps to deal with whatever comes up either within yourself or with your coach......for the next 28 days.
And then you ask yourself why you would not continue this process even after the 28 days!
There are those who ignore prosperity (usually because it does not look exactly like they think it should look);
- those that give away prosperity (it is not really what they want);
- those that do not pay attention to prosperity (maybe because it does not come in exactly the package they wanted);
- those that "not enough" pieces of prosperity ("But that is not enough to pay the rent.");
- and then there are those that do not recognize pieces of prosperity (maybe because it is not in the form of money).
You might want to take a few moments to check out your definition of prosperity and see how encompassing it is.
Then there are those who "do" prosperity every single day.
They write and say their affirmations every day.
They choose very carefully the words they say out loud thereby doing the basic law of prosperity...what you radiate out comes back.
They mentally picture what they want every day.
They create a wheel of fortune and look at it every day thereby invoking the imaging law of prosperity.
They give away something or clear something out of their homes and lives every day thinking they are invoking the vacuum law of prosperity.
In other words, they follow all of the rules of prosperity and then wait for their reward.
It is like they put their order in at the desk at Home Depot and are now waiting at the loading ramp to pick it up and take it home.
Unfortunately, that is just not the way it works.
It really works by living prosperously, by "being" prosperous in any given moment.
It is about the spirit of prosperity.
It is about seeing and embracing all prosperity; not just the financial kind.
It is only when you can see and embrace ALL of the prosperity in your life, that is, live the laws of prosperity rather than just following the rules of prosperity, that you will truly begin to reap the benefits of true prosperity.....including financial.
Living the spirit of the laws of prosperity will probably take some practice for most of us.
Consider focusing on you and your possible prosperity for the next 28 days and follow the practice steps below to see how much prosperity you can recognize, accept and embrace in your life.
- 1. Be open to ALL forms of prosperity, including financial, no matter how large or how small and make a note of it in your journal.....for the next 28 days.....and see what happens.
- 2. When you wake up in the morning, sit up, clap your hands and say (sing, proclaim, shout) "It is going to be a great day!" Sound silly? Okay...feel silly, sound silly and.....take the action anyway.....for the next 28 days. Does this mean you are going to automatically have a fabulous day? No. It does not. But it will start your day more light hearted, which is more prosperous in itself. Try it, you may be surprised.
- 3. When you have finished proclaiming a great day, get up, go to the mirror, look into the eyes of the person in the mirror and say, "I love and accept you." Wink, smile, and give yourself a hug and go on to the rest of your day....for the next 28 days. Notice anything?
- 4. Be honest with yourself, God, Great Spirit, Universe about how you are feeling....even if you are not feeling particularly prosperous, happy, focused or energetic. Then practice the prosperity techniques and tools embracing and accepting however you feel all at the same time.....for the next 28 days.
- 5. Surround yourself with the images, the sounds, the smells, the energy that help you focus on your goals, your wants, your dreams, your desires.....for the next 28 days.
So, through all of this make sure you stay aware of your reality.....
What is my financial situation?
How can I have it be better?
Is there anything I need to deal with physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually in order to clear the path for my prosperity?
If there is, then take the steps to deal with whatever comes up either within yourself or with your coach......for the next 28 days.
And then you ask yourself why you would not continue this process even after the 28 days!
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Don't Know What You Want? Answer This Question #MelRobbinsLive
Do you remember when you were a kid and they kept on asking you 'What do you want to do with your life?'... have you answered this question yet? If not, here is some help for you to answer that deep and existential question.. if you find an answer, we would love to hear about it! P&T xx
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
5 Consequences of Not Following Your Passion
Lets say that after much experimenting and trying out many different things you eventually narrowed it down to one or two things that you are very passionate about in life.
After having found this passion(s) you decide to not follow through on it for whatever reason. Included below I have described the 5 consequences of not following your passion.
1. Overindulgence
When one is not focused and following their passion, there is a desire to just want to overindulge pretty much in anything. This may come in the form of overindulgence of food, alcohol, sex, or television.
The reason the overindulgence takes place is because the person is trying to escape the reality of doing what their heart's desires are calling them to do. I have been guilty of this in the past and this is a common trait in a lot of people, I have been there before but it is what it is. Overindulgence allows the person to block out the messages they continue to get from their spirit. Are there some areas in your life that you are overindulging in, in order to forget about your higher calling?
2. Blame
When one is not following his/her passion it is very easy to get into blame mode.
It is easy to say that life sucks, because "My parents forced me to study medicine in college and I took it and I am not happy or fulfilled." It is easy to blame the economy as to the reasons why you can't get a job. Or blame people around you for not doing what you always felt in your heart was the next best move. It is easy to slip into this and continue to look for external things to point the blame on, but at the end of the day it begins and ends with you. What are you doing differently today to take action on what you have always been called to do?
3. Regret
A common trait is that people begin to regret what they have done or not have done when it comes to their passion. In grade school up to high school, my favorite passion was playing game of basketball. One of the biggest regrets of my life was when I was a senior in high school and I didn't bother to try out for the varsity men's basketball team, because of ego issues I had with the Head Coach, and ironically the Coach go fired for that season, and I could've played under a coach that I actually liked. I didn't follow my passion that year of playing basketball, and I got stuck with regret for several months after the fact. I have since learned from this, and moved along forward from knowing the importance of following my own passion. Are there some areas in your life that are still lingering on, is it time to take action on those things, to prevent future regrets later down the road?
4. Laziness
When someone is not following their passion, it is very easy to just want to plop on the couch and watch television all day and develop this passive attitude towards life that becomes highly unproductive.
It almost seems like the most logical thing to do is to get lazy when we can't seem to find our passion especially. The point here really is that if one is committed to finding his/her passion that person would take several action steps and at least give the effort to continue to experiment with several ideas and see what works out. Are you developing a sense of laziness, because you are distracting yourself from what the universe is calling you to start taking action on?
5. Low Self Esteem
Lastly, when one is not following his/her passion low self esteem begins to emerge. The person begins to compare themselves to others, and start to see themselves as totally small compared to the people they compare themselves too and begin to question their own beliefs of what their hearts are telling them to do. A poor self image doesn't help anyone, including yourself. Begin now to see if a poor self image has to do with the fact that you aren't making an honest effort to better yourself in some way by being aligned with your purpose in life, and passion. Would following your passion assist you in having a better self image about yourself?
But What if I haven't found my Passion?
Experiment. Over and over. Don't give up hope, there are talents that we all were gifted with at birth. Continue to experiment and be willing to make mistakes on this journey of finding your passion.
The truth is, mistakes helps us get to the point where we can feel more confident in finding and living our passion. So experiment and try new things, don't allow society or anything else outside of you tell you that you are "crazy" for trying new things. I would argue the real "Crazy" thing to do would follow a path that others think you should be doing, but doesn't feel right in your own heart. (What 90% of population of people are doing)
It's okay to be unsure of your direction, but it isn't okay to not even give new things a try.
The mere fact that you continue to experiment with different talents means that you can surpass all the 5 consequences that result when you don't follow your passion.
The experimental part is the fun part, and it is the process to getting to where you want to go.
Don't be hard on yourself, and enjoy this process for what it really was designed to do...To awaken the inner you into living your passion with joy.
After having found this passion(s) you decide to not follow through on it for whatever reason. Included below I have described the 5 consequences of not following your passion.
1. Overindulgence
When one is not focused and following their passion, there is a desire to just want to overindulge pretty much in anything. This may come in the form of overindulgence of food, alcohol, sex, or television.
The reason the overindulgence takes place is because the person is trying to escape the reality of doing what their heart's desires are calling them to do. I have been guilty of this in the past and this is a common trait in a lot of people, I have been there before but it is what it is. Overindulgence allows the person to block out the messages they continue to get from their spirit. Are there some areas in your life that you are overindulging in, in order to forget about your higher calling?
2. Blame
When one is not following his/her passion it is very easy to get into blame mode.
It is easy to say that life sucks, because "My parents forced me to study medicine in college and I took it and I am not happy or fulfilled." It is easy to blame the economy as to the reasons why you can't get a job. Or blame people around you for not doing what you always felt in your heart was the next best move. It is easy to slip into this and continue to look for external things to point the blame on, but at the end of the day it begins and ends with you. What are you doing differently today to take action on what you have always been called to do?
A common trait is that people begin to regret what they have done or not have done when it comes to their passion. In grade school up to high school, my favorite passion was playing game of basketball. One of the biggest regrets of my life was when I was a senior in high school and I didn't bother to try out for the varsity men's basketball team, because of ego issues I had with the Head Coach, and ironically the Coach go fired for that season, and I could've played under a coach that I actually liked. I didn't follow my passion that year of playing basketball, and I got stuck with regret for several months after the fact. I have since learned from this, and moved along forward from knowing the importance of following my own passion. Are there some areas in your life that are still lingering on, is it time to take action on those things, to prevent future regrets later down the road?
4. Laziness
When someone is not following their passion, it is very easy to just want to plop on the couch and watch television all day and develop this passive attitude towards life that becomes highly unproductive.
It almost seems like the most logical thing to do is to get lazy when we can't seem to find our passion especially. The point here really is that if one is committed to finding his/her passion that person would take several action steps and at least give the effort to continue to experiment with several ideas and see what works out. Are you developing a sense of laziness, because you are distracting yourself from what the universe is calling you to start taking action on?
5. Low Self Esteem
Lastly, when one is not following his/her passion low self esteem begins to emerge. The person begins to compare themselves to others, and start to see themselves as totally small compared to the people they compare themselves too and begin to question their own beliefs of what their hearts are telling them to do. A poor self image doesn't help anyone, including yourself. Begin now to see if a poor self image has to do with the fact that you aren't making an honest effort to better yourself in some way by being aligned with your purpose in life, and passion. Would following your passion assist you in having a better self image about yourself?
Experiment. Over and over. Don't give up hope, there are talents that we all were gifted with at birth. Continue to experiment and be willing to make mistakes on this journey of finding your passion.
The truth is, mistakes helps us get to the point where we can feel more confident in finding and living our passion. So experiment and try new things, don't allow society or anything else outside of you tell you that you are "crazy" for trying new things. I would argue the real "Crazy" thing to do would follow a path that others think you should be doing, but doesn't feel right in your own heart. (What 90% of population of people are doing)
It's okay to be unsure of your direction, but it isn't okay to not even give new things a try.
The mere fact that you continue to experiment with different talents means that you can surpass all the 5 consequences that result when you don't follow your passion.
The experimental part is the fun part, and it is the process to getting to where you want to go.
Don't be hard on yourself, and enjoy this process for what it really was designed to do...To awaken the inner you into living your passion with joy.
Author: Kevin Baker
Article Source:
Monday, 17 April 2017
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
So .... Why exactly did the chicken cross the road.
Watch this video to find out. What's your theory?
Friday, 14 April 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Living Your Life the Way You are Supposed to!
Living Your Life
the Way You are Supposed to!
It may be hard at times to believe that the life you live today is ideal. You wonder at times if there is a better life, and the truth of the matter is that there is always room for progress.
When you eventually reach your ultimate goal of wealth and glory, you will ask yourself: "What's next"? What else can you do to get more or reach out for a more optimal solution. On our way to success, we tell ourselves that once you reach that level, you will be happy or won't need to look for more.
As you and I know, this is a false statement. When you do reach your goals, the ONLY statement that will cross your mind is: "Wow, I made it, now how can I get more of it"?
This is common to every aspiring entrepreneurs looking to reach the top of the mountain and succeed far beyond their own expectations. There is nothing wrong for wanting more, especially that you know the path to get what you want. You need to focus on what is needed NOW, and not live your life based on what you can get in the future.
Humans have the tendency to live for the future and forget the present. I understand that you want to guarantee your nest egg and make sure that your offspring are being taken care of so no one lacks of the essential needs to survive. As parents, this is your main objective but also work on yourself and do not allow this task to haunt your mind if you do not get to where you need to be in life.
We fail to see the grand picture and only focus on how did others succeed and we failed miserably. WE see the rich people as hero because of their amazing accomplishments, and we always wonder how did they make it in the big leagues, while we are still trying to figure out our mission in this planet.
Do not despair, everything will come to you in due time, as long as you keep faith and move forward, no matter what happens. Keep on dreaming, even though some dreams may become nightmares.
Work smart, but not hard. Delegate time for family, as they are your support beams all through your journey to success. Failure is not a result, but a process. You can't succeed EVERY time and no one can either. Do you think Zuckerburg succeeded in his first try? Absolutely not. He is still human after all right? Do not let any other success intimidate you in any ways. Be happy for them and focus on your own. There is enough abundance for everyone.
Author: Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Article Source:
Article Source:
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
The 5 Second Rule to Change Your Life with Mel Robbins
This is very moving and inspirational.
Mel Robins shares the real life experience that has brought her to create this
very simple technique to rebuild her life.
I battle with insecurities, so I'm definitely going to try this out
.. one, two, three, four, five... off we go!
What are you going to use the 5 second rule for right now?
Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?....
If your boss were to ask this of you today
... would they be happy with what you had to say
.... if not, share it with us instead
.... what are you pondering??
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Success Secrets of Meditation
Ponder, Practice and Prosper
Meditation is the greatest and oldest success secret known to man.
Meditation is an open secret in that many people are looking for the key to success outside of themselves. Ironically, the key to well-rounded success is the stuff between your two ears--your grey matter. Success inspiration must come from within. Therefore, thinking is the steering wheel while the fuel that powers success vehicle is meditation. Meditation is also the key that cranks the automatic engine of subconscious creativity. However, what everybody knows is largely ignored.
"Many people miss success by a foot; that is the distance between the head and the heart," says Zig Ziglar.
Mental assent is not the same as heart meditation. That's why assumption is the mother of all mistakes. And success is due to laws (meditations) and failure is due to flaws (negligence). Until a concept or an idea takes root in your heart, it is not yet yours if it is in your head. Your heart is your hard drive that produce your life philosophy or belief system and powers the rest of your performance both private and corporate. Meditation therefore, is a psycho-spiritual exercise that centers the spirit, and balances the mind. Meditation is like recharging your battery to regain your spiritual energy that drive emotional and physical wellness. Motivation must come from inside out and not the other way round.
To give you a nutshell of how the ingredients come together, let's use a typical mantra. Here I am using a quotation from the bible that says, "all things are possible to him that believes."
Now, to personalize this verse, you have to put yourself (your name specifically) as him that believes. When you personalize anything, you own it because emotions are attached.
Next, forget all your problems and narrow your focus to a specific goal or problem you want to solve. That's localization.
When you think deeply about what this verse means to your life or specific challenge, that's memorization because you are making it stick as part of yourself for easy recall.
As you repeat the word over and over again to yourself, you are verbalizing it. Verbalization has two forms: autosuggestion (speaking to yourself) and positive confession (speaking to others or your circumstances)
Then comes visualization because words also create images. You become what you deeply believe before you behold it otherwise you wouldn't hold it. When the self-image of that Scripture registers in your mind's eye, you are visualizing it.
Actualization is when you do something or everything to make that word become flesh or reality in your own personal experience. It is called taking the next step. Action is one of the most powerful programming tool that makes the subconscious mind go to work. This creative mind either creates your desire, attracts what you need, or leads you to your goal.
When you discipline yourself to meditate at least 5 minutes a day, you will become a genius even if you lack formal education. A poor man is no body than some body who does not know how to tap into the deep resources of the subconscious mind by meditation.
"Anybody who can concentrate for five minutes can rule the world," says a Chinese proverb.
You may not rule the whole world like the Chinese sages propose, but you sure can rule your world--be it private or business--with meditation.
Meditation is the most important ingredient in your success and manifestation exercises. If thinking is everything, then it is the most important thing. Think low and become low; think high and you elevate your life.
There is no way you can think rich and grow poor. We live in an abundant universe where lack is only due to warped belief and mental block. It is not the man's age, it is his mental stage that counts.
Author: Uzo_Onukwugha
Article Source:
Monday, 10 April 2017
A time for family and friends to get together in good health and in the spirit of love.
Wishing all our readers a Happy and Kosher Pesach

Saturday, 8 April 2017
Friday, 7 April 2017
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
We have always found this to be true. The best way to learn is when it becomes apparent that you don't know something... with the pain comes the gain... have you ever been grateful for your mistakes?? Me... definitely, I wouldn't have met my husband or started my business if I hadn't been reacting to a mistake! LOL Tx
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Monday, 3 April 2017
Top 5 Tips To Help You Cope
With Young Children While Working From Home
Are you trying to run your own business from home around one or more children? Or is this something you want to do and are looking into?
Well hopefully I can be of some help as I'm a mum and just about managing to cope with a toddler and a new-born while working from home!! I'll give you a few tips I've thought of!
So as you'd expect it's not easy, so just let that make you feel a bit better! Even if some mums look like they're perfect in every way, I'm very sure they're not!
My 8 week old baby (yes 8 weeks already! Therefore she had her first jabs today which were pretty awful. So horrible to see her so upset. My mum came along to help me as had my toddler too, who very sweetly kissed her injected leg and was concerned about her crying), I digress!
I'll start again! My 8 week old baby girl normally has a lay in after feeding a few times through the night so I get to give my toddler boy attention after making his breakfast by playing with his trains or puzzles. He does love his iPad so sometimes I think I could be getting on with some work like listening to training webinars or writing my blog while he watches it, but I'd feel too guilty. Also the main reason why I want to work from home is to get to spend more time with my children so if I'm working then I'm doing the opposite of what I want to be doing!
Yesterday was one of those mornings where little things kept going wrong such as porridge over spilling in the microwave (which was actually handy because I gave it a good well needed clean!), breaking a bowl, the floor getting really wet and so on that my favourite word that morning was the 'F' one! So I had to be careful not to use it when Tommy was about as he copies now!
Beforehand I would have been more stressed because I'd feel if I'm not playing with the children then I should be working on my business, but after reflecting on things I've chosen to not let myself get stressed because it is unnecessary, not good for me or the children.
So here are my top tips that I now use!
Tip #1
Work when they're sleeping as then they don't know you're not with them! For instance I am writing this blog now as they're snoozing on me on the sofa! This isn't a regular occurrence however so mostly I blog in the evenings when toddler in bed & baby asleep on me!
Tip #2
On a weekly planner (can get them online or from WH Smith) write down times when you can spend some time on your business, for example listening to training in the car, while babies are sleeping, on your lunch break (if working) etc. OK your results might not come so quickly if you don't spend hours and hours a week on your business but they'll still come. It's called the compound effect, success is built on doing little things consistently.
Tip #3
Get out of the house! I find days where we do stuff easier and more fulfilling. If you go to playgroups your toddler can happily play and socialise while you look after baby, or if you have made friends at groups they love to hold your baby while you interact with your toddler! Children learn and take in lots while being out and about so it's good for babies as well as toddlers! Then also you have experiences which can help with your business, such as networking or having topics to blog about.
Use video. Video marketing is fantastic for your business whether it be or Facebook Live or a YouTube video. It's quicker than writing and you can do it anywhere! It might be daunting at first but just have a few practices and you'll soon get the hang of it! I did a 90 day video challenge within the online business I do where only other members see them and we'd give each other feedback!
Tip #5
Just wing it! Basically just BELIEVE you can do it and you will! You may think you're failing and how can you possibly do all this - look after children, take care of the house and work a business from home - but you can! It's your life you've been fortunate to live, so have fun, make mistakes, learn new skills and just go with the flow. It is overwhelming but as long as you keep trying and keep going, you'll be successful, in home life and business.
Bonus tip #6
Wear baby in a sling! Last night I made the dinner, bathed toddler and got him ready for bed all whilst carrying baby in the sling! Handy when you need an extra pair of hands!
I hope my tips have been helpful to you!
Article Source:
Author: Lisa Hartley
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