Calling all Financial Freedom Fighters!
Only Honest, Rough Around the Edges
Financial freedom and passive income are two terms being flung about a lot these days. The ability to have an independent income and a choice to work or not is something many aspire to. With so many people staring at a mountain of debt and a cliff face of poverty (now and into old age) the ambition to be financial free can seem a distant and unattainable dream... it is our aim to help you dispel that myth and fulfil your dream.
Maybe you feel like you are an ordinary person with a lumpy body and very little glamour, there's no way you can achieve financial freedom? Perhaps your pockets aren't deep, your partner is not rich, maybe you are a single parent and completely money and time poor. But and it's a big but, something in your gut is telling you that you deserve more, you deserve better!
We know lots of other people like you and we were like that too… just ordinary, everyday people who woke up one day and heard about financial freedom… and thought, hmmm, I’d like a bit of that… and then took steps to find out more. We are here to tell you where you start is not important, where you want to be is. If you increased your skill set and apply your learning, past experiences and energy, you too can create your slice of the financial freedom pie.
So, today we thought we would tell you a little bit about us and why we started The Prosper Hub. Firstly we thought we'd mention that we are both completely
ordinary people like you…..well we woke up one day and decided that we really wanted to thrive and find our route to financial freedom
and prosperity. Then we took a leap of faith and our journeys began.
Pam and I met at a course for budding property investors, run by Gill Fielding. We were nervous and frankly had quite low expectations of ourselves. One day we decided to start working together, we realised we had different skills but similar values, plus we liked each other. After a lot of hard work applying our mentor Gill’s knowledge we bought our first property. We now have a £1,000,000 property portfolio and a steady, (practically) passive income, plus we are both financially free. We did this with virtually none of our own money…. Honestly, you don’t have to have your own money to obtain financial freedom… just gumption, integrity and desire to achieve.
Somewhere along the line we decided to start a networking group near Gatwick in the UK. We actually don't really like networking, because we had found many to be a bit too slick and, dare we say fake? So, we decided that ours would be honest, rough around the edges and for ordinary-extra-ordinary people. A networking group where nobody needed to pretend, one where people could be real, get help and have their successes cheered on and celebrated. Our group would be free to attend and full of great content. We would have guest speakers and encourage our members to get involved by having their own star turn. We wanted people to feel the fear and do it anyway... we wanted people to grow in confidence and grow in wealth ... and to have a group of people to celebrate when they achieved the stuff of dreams.
We started telling people we were going to have a meeting in a hotel lobby. First of all it was just us, then Nick and Phil joined us and we became great friends, working together to make stuff happen. Then more followed and gradually we had a regular monthly meeting of 50+ people who loved the novelty of being able to be honest and being taught by industry experts and having peer-talks also. They loved the community and the trust and instant friendships they were creating. They loved the fact that they had a crowd of people to celebrate and commiserate with, they loved that they could share a problem and then get instant help and hand holding when necessary.
It is this group of wonderful people who have encouraged us to take our 'brand' of honest networking and success development to a wider audience. We would love it if you would like to join us. All you need to do is sign up for your free gift and you will be on the list and part of the community. The community is very small at the moment and we have great plans to start online and live events. All that is in development, but for the time being we would love you on board and to start getting to know you.
So click on the sign up box to the left of this blog post and you will be in..... we will introduce you to experts, tell you news addition please do get involved with the blog activities and join us on Facebook and Twitter too.
Remember if you can say 'yes' to the following then you will be in with the right crowd.. are you honest, rough around the edges and an ordinary-extra-ordinary person? Yes? Then please step forward!
Until the next time, bye for now,
Tania and Pam