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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Planning your Escape
…dealing with limiting beliefs!

OMG so you have made the exciting choice to become financially free. The promise of a life where you call the shots and wake up knowing that the bills are covered. Yay you, go get’em!
Pam and I were exactly where you are now just a few years ago. We realised that we had a dream and good reasons why we wanted to achieve it. We had started to feel that the world had changed and the normal, work hard, build up a pension fund and retire when you are 60/65 had started to sound hollow.
The reasons to strive for financial freedom are many and varied. Maybe you have become part of the squeezed middle, or you’re sitting in a J.O.B that you can’t see yourself doing into your 70’s or simply you want to spend more time with your family and live a more carefree life? These are all great motivators to start doing something and to start… Now!
You may now be wondering what to do next and how to fix this thorny little issue? If so, you are in the right place we are here to help you start your journey. Maybe, like us, you have made the decision to be financially free but feel unsure of what to do next or how, little you, could possibly climb that impossibly high mountain. Don’t worry, we have been there, we have managed to do it and we are normal people like you.
The good news is that you are now over the first hurdle. You have recognised the problem and identified the dream situation. All you need to do is come up with a strategy and deal with the issues that arise from trying to achieve the goal. We are not going to say that this is an easy thing to do, the road to riches can be long and arduous but the goal is worth pursuing.
In our experience fear can quash the dream before it’s even had time to get off the starting block. The enthusiasm for starting the journey can quickly hit a rocky patch simply because doubts start crowding out positivity and action. We call these fears ‘self-limiting beliefs’. They are well documented, very common and very normal. They are a battle that, even the seemingly most confident, people must deal with. Sorry to say, you will have to deal with them along the way too.
Here is a list of the top 10 limiting beliefs, identified by psychologists which, lead to crippling action and self-defeating behaviours….. read them fast so they don’t hurt too much!

OK, hopefully we haven’t put you into a spiral of doubt? Over the four years Pam and I have worked together we have had to deal with all ten of these limiting beliefs. They have played with our minds and slowed us down but they never stopped us. What we have learned is if you power on your confidence grows, your successes become larger and your horizons brighter. Over the next few weeks we are going to show you how we and people we know battle through despite having these limiting beliefs and how they are changing their lives!
See you next time when we start kicking these limiting beliefs into touch!... before you go, don't forget to sign up for the book '6 Steps to Financial Freedom'...
Bye for now!
Tania & Pam

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Isn't it Time to Escape the Rat Race?

No one likes working for "the man". Whether such work consists of tedious office work, outdoor construction, or even doing something you love, it has to hit home every once in a while that what you're really doing is making someone else rich. If you want to escape the rat race, you have to get out of the maze. Most of us are brought up to believe that working hard is the right thing to do.So it is. But that doesn't mean that someone else should be reaping the profits while we continue to slave away for the leftovers.

To really escape the rat race, you have to change your mindset. This can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you're working paycheck to paycheck or have mouths depending on the bread you provide. Now, no one is suggesting you quit your job and chase down some nebulous dream in the hopes of succeeding beyond your wildest expectations. Remember that succeeding on your own terms and remaining fiscally responsible are not mutually exclusive. Many of the most famous and successful dreamers of all time got their start while holding down some other job. You can too.

If you want to escape the rat race, you have to not only change your mindset, you have to find something that will allow you to make money without an employer. This means doing some research. Find a business opportunity or an instructional guide that will allow you to transition from Workaday Will to the independent success you know you can be. Does this mean chasing down every get rich quick scheme that comes around? Absolutely not. Be discerning, but don't be afraid to take a chance if the opportunity looks promising.

With the slumping economy, more people than ever before are looking to escape the rat race before they find themselves unceremoniously thrown out of a job. When you realize that the last two promotions you received came with a lot more responsibility and very little in the way of a pay increase, you have to know that something is wrong with the system. This country is the land of opportunity. Anyone with the desire and the will to succeed should be able to make a success out of themselves. Does that mean the road to success is an easy one? No, and it never will be. It may require long days and long nights. It may require working weekends when all you want to do is relax. But the reward is worth it.
To escape the rat race, you have to put yourself first for once. You have to understand that life is a short journey and we only get a few chances to really knock it out of the ballpark. While you're prattling around the maze, hunting for that little piece of cheese, others are making their own cheese. You can do it too, if you just have the courage to begin.
There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you are guided properly. With the proper guidance you can build a following of hot and hungry prospects begging you for more information about your products or services.
Affiliate Marketing is the most efficient way to earn money and become your own boss. 

Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into an ATM. Sign-up right now for Frank Demming's free special report to find out how to do exactly that - Go to: []
Article Source:

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Top Tips on how best to present your property so it sells quickly

Here are some top tips to follow if you would like to sell your property quickly and easily.

The Top 20 ‘turnoffs’ for people viewing properties are:
  1. Damp patches, stained walls and ceilings
  2. No garden 
  3. Bad smells  (from pets, cigarette smoke, damp, food, etc)
  4. No parking
  5. Poor natural light or dark rooms
  6. Unfinished building work
  7. Small rooms
  8. Small kitchens
  9. Bad DIY
  10. A dirty house
  11. Stone cladding, render, pebble dashing on outside walls
  12. Outdated bathrooms
  13. Outdated kitchens
  14. Artex / textured  ceilings
  15. Plastic windows
  16. Overgrown garden
  17. General untidiness
  18. Cluttered rooms
  19. Dated or over the top décor
  20. Large trees over shadowing and potentially undermining structure

Some of these you can do nothing about, but there are plenty you can address. Following on from this, here are 9 Top Tips for presenting a property to sell or rent at its best.

  1. Repair where you can, especially little things, like broken hinges, cupboard doors, etc.
  2. Get a friend or neighbour to look at your house with a fresh pair of eyes so they can spot all the niggly bits, as once we live with them, we stop noticing them.
  3. With damp problems however, you should find the source and repair it. NEVER just paint over the damp.
  4. Clear the clutter: remove one third of everything possible, ie: a third of ornaments, books, dishes, furniture, clothing, everything, and store them off site or in the loft. In reality potential purchasers should not look in your cupboards, but if they do and they are cluttered it will send the wrong message to them.  Remember, you are selling them a lifestyle.
  5. Look at property from the outside in. Potential purchasers make their buying decision from the pavement so makes sense to make outside look good. Ideas for this are: paint the front door a bright solid colour; dark blue or red seem to work best. Clear the area outside your  front door so it looks clear clean and fresh so you can approach it without clutter . Clear and tidy the front garden if it needs it.
  6. Clear clutter from behind the front door too: kids’ wellies,  junk mail. Surplus coats and jackets, etc.
  7. Depersonalise the property as much as you can. Remove family photos. When people see family photos, they feel like they are intruding in your life, so it’s best not to make them feel uncomfortable, and just remove them. Remove anything that might threaten or offend a potential buyer: eg: a gun collection, whips, even your dog should not be in the house when people are viewing.
  8. Go and  visit show homes on new housing developments and get ideas of what the professionals do to present a house at its best. They have glass top tables so that the rooms feel more spacious, mirrors opposite light sources to reflect the light, and many other tips and tricks.
  9. Lastly, Clean the property thoroughly. Clean everything, floors, carpets, ceilings, windows, light switches, taps, everything! This is the most important point of all. If you can afford the time, hire a professional cleaning company to do this task.This step will eliminate at least 4 of top 20 put offs.

These 9 points will sort out most of the top 20 put offs with very little cost, and it’s amazing how few people do them. If you do them your property should sell quickly and you can then move on with your life.

Good Luck!!


Wednesday, 24 May 2017

14 Motivation Tips - there is no elevator to success; you have to use the stairs!

An excellent clip on Motivation. Things always seem impossible until they are done, but if you start small and do a bit every day, you will succeed.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Team Work - How To Build Your Ultimate Team

In most working environments you will find some collaborative efforts of a team. Generally speaking, the better the team can collaborate their efforts, the better the team, hence the importance of knowing how to build a team that can both work well together and be effective.

If you belong to a team, you are more than just an individual. You are a part of something greater than yourself. No matter how great or strong each individual team member is, they are not greater than the team as a whole.
Individual egos can often lead to the disruption of a team which ultimately reduces the teams effectiveness and can result in your company or business not being able to grow. So it is vitally important for any manager/business owner to know how to build a team successfully.

Building a successful team can be tricky and complicated. It could quite easily make or break a business.
Here are some tips on how to design or build a team;
  1. Hire people that share the same vision/values as you and that will compliment your existing members of your team.
  2. Do not hire too many people for your team. Bring enough diverse talent into your team to avoid clashes of talents. If team members do clash, it can lead to no team work which will affect the productivity of your business.
  3. Identify individual talents and designate work accordingly to all members in your team, then trust them to get on with it. This will give your members the opportunity to show that they are responsible and flourish.
  4. Encourage communication and openness. People should be willing to learn and give out new information. This sharing of ideas and constructive commenting will help create rapport and a more productive environment.
  5. Make sure there are learning curves for your team members so that they will have plenty of scope to grow and not end up feeling stagnant.
There are many tips/strategies that you can follow regarding how to build your team and create the ultimate team. The most important key to having a great and successful team is communication and personal values.
Open communication will eliminate conflict as well as add value to each individual and to the group as a whole.


Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the victims at the Manchester Arena.

Friday, 19 May 2017

To Rent or to Own - That Is the Question

Ownership is the ability to own future value while no longer having to make corresponding payment or effort to get that value.

If I asked, "Should you buy or rent your furniture?" Most people would probably say, "Buy!" because most people get ownership when it comes to buying furniture.
If I asked, "Should you buy or rent your home?" Most people would probably say, "Buy!" because most people get ownership when it comes to where you live.
Ironically, not everybody gets ownership when it comes to their life, their time and owning their income.

When we have a job, we rent ourselves out in hourly increments. If you have a salary, well then you rent yourself out in bi-weekly increments - you have a longer contract. The problem is, if you don't own your life and don't own your time you'll always have to keep spending time for the reward.

Most people ask, "What's the hourly pay?" and ownership is not even on their radar. That type of thinking has been so engrained in us and passed down from generation to generation by elite members of the society who looked to control the average person. Because if you knew how to provide for yourself and fend for yourself then you could be very dangerous to people who actually owned the labor.

Renting requires continued cashflow or time flow to maintain possession. Renting provides no future value and no equity.
So, if you have a job, you've got to keep putting time flow in to get the same value. If the time stops, the value stops - you get no equity. When you leave your job, they won't be saying, "Hey, you worked here 70,000 hours, you banked $10 an hour of equity - here's $1 million." That doesn't happen. If you stop, it stops.

Working year after year for a corporation is just like renting. If you get fired or you decided to quit, what would you have to show for it? You helped to build their company; you gave your years, energy and intellect and all you would have to show for it would be your rent receipts... your paycheck stubs.

It doesn't matter how much money you make, if you don't own it and if you don't override it, you're still renting. It will go away much faster than you ever thought possible because at some point you're not going to be able to continue trading the time or the talent that you did before to get it and it will stop - and it will stop fast.

Having a job equals renting - you must continue to trade time for money, therefore you will always be short of one of the two.
The only two ways to make more money at a job is to either increase the dollar per hour or to increase the amount of hours.
  1. Going back to school is probably the most socially acceptable way people attempt to increase the dollar per hour. What many don't consider is that by going to school you may be losing out on 3 or 4 years of all those extra dollars. Furthermore, now you've got to pay for the ability to get paid more money! How does that really make any sense? So, going back to school can be a slow-burn process and it can actually take 20 or 30 years for a return on that investment.
  2. Your other option to make more money at a job is to work more time, but keep in mind, there is only 24 possible hours in a day.
Ownership equals an end to the cost, but a continuation of the benefit.When you own your house outright, you can stop paying the mortgage, but you can continue living in the property. You can take out equity, you can leave it to your children and you can put them ahead - much like if you were to own your income.
So now, if you got to choose between owning and not owning which would YOU choose?
Article Source:

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Calling all Financial Freedom Fighters!
Only Honest, Rough Around the Edges
Ordinary-Extra- Ordinary People Need Apply

Financial freedom and passive income are two terms being flung about a lot these days. The ability to have an independent income and a choice to work or not is something many aspire to. With so many people staring at a mountain of debt and a cliff face of poverty (now and into old age) the ambition to be financial free can seem a distant and unattainable dream... it is our aim to help you dispel that myth and fulfil your dream.
Maybe you feel like you are an ordinary person with a lumpy body and very little glamour, there's no way you can achieve financial freedom? Perhaps your pockets aren't deep, your partner is not rich, maybe you are a single parent and completely money and time poor. But and it's a big but, something in your gut is telling you that you deserve more, you deserve better!
We know lots of other people like you and we were like that too… just ordinary, everyday people who woke up one day and heard about financial freedom… and thought, hmmm, I’d like a bit of that… and then took steps to find out more. We are here to tell you where you start is not important, where you want to be is. If you increased your skill set and apply your learning,  past experiences and energy, you too can create your slice of the financial freedom pie.
So, today we thought we would tell you a little bit about us and why we started The Prosper Hub. Firstly we thought we'd mention that we are both  completely ordinary people like you…..well we woke up one day and decided that we really wanted to thrive and find our route to financial freedom and prosperity. Then we took a leap of faith and our journeys began.
Pam and I met at a course for budding property investors, run by Gill Fielding. We were nervous and frankly had quite low expectations of ourselves. One day we decided to start working together, we realised we had different skills but similar values, plus we liked each other. After a lot of hard work applying our mentor Gill’s knowledge we bought our first property. We now have a £1,000,000 property portfolio and a steady, (practically) passive income, plus we are both financially free. We did this with virtually none of our own money…. Honestly, you don’t have to have your own money to obtain financial freedom… just gumption, integrity and desire to achieve.
Somewhere along the line we decided to start a networking group near Gatwick in the UK. We actually don't really like networking, because we had found many to be a bit too slick and, dare we say fake? So, we decided that ours would be honest, rough around the edges and for ordinary-extra-ordinary people. A networking group where nobody needed to pretend, one where people could be real, get help and have their successes cheered on and celebrated. Our group would be free to attend and full of great content. We would have guest speakers and encourage our members to get involved by having their own star turn. We wanted people to feel the fear and do it anyway... we wanted people to grow in confidence and grow in wealth ... and to have a group of people to celebrate when they achieved the stuff of dreams.
We started telling people we were going to have a meeting in a hotel lobby. First of all it was just us, then Nick and Phil joined us and we became great friends, working together to make stuff happen. Then more followed and gradually we had a regular monthly meeting of 50+ people who loved the novelty of being able to be honest and being taught by industry experts and having peer-talks also. They loved the community and the trust and instant friendships they were creating. They loved the fact that they had a crowd of people to celebrate and commiserate with, they loved that they could share a problem and then get instant help and hand holding when necessary.
It is this group of wonderful people who have encouraged us to take our 'brand' of honest networking and success development to a wider audience. We would love it if you would like to join us. All you need to do is sign up for your free gift and you will be on the list and part of the community. The community is very small at the moment and we have great plans to start online and live events. All that is in development, but for the time being we would love you on board and to start getting to know you.
So click on the sign up box to the left of this blog post and you will be in..... we will introduce you to experts, tell you news addition  please do get involved with the blog activities and join us on Facebook and Twitter too.
Remember if you can say 'yes' to the following then you will be in with the right crowd.. are you honest, rough around the edges and an ordinary-extra-ordinary person? Yes? Then please step forward!
Until the next time, bye for now,
Tania and Pam

STOP WASTING TIME - The Most Motivational Video Ever 2017

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Are You Persistent and Audacious? Jerry Weintraub's Story

Are you persistent and audacious? Here is a great example of persistence and  audacity!

Until his death a couple of years ago, Jerry Weintraub was a legend (in his own time) in the entertainment business. The consummate showman, he promoted concerts (including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, etc.) and produced movies (including Nashville, Diner, Ocean's 11, 12, 13, The Karate Kid).

From Rich Cohen in Vanity Fair at the time of Weintraub's death:
"He came out of New York in the early 60s with nothing but his wit and charm and wild desire to experience all life has to offer. He ended up with the fame and wealth and property and the rest of it, but mostly the man had friends. He knew everyone. He was everyone's key guy. He was the guy behind the guy. He was the guy behind the guy behind the guy. And the guy behind that.

The news of his death, at whatever age Jerry was claiming at the time - like his favorite kind of weather, it was usually somewhere in the high 70s to low 80s - comes as a great shock and a sick joke. There will never be another like him. It took the perfect parents in the perfect neighborhood at the perfect moment to create Jerry Weintraub. If you accompanied him on a verbal jag, you never forgot the voice. Yes, there were the flashing eyes and the broad shoulders and the big hands and the huge laugh and the oddly patrician grin, but mostly there was the voice. Funny, wise, sardonic, and warm, it got in your head and stayed there. Even now, when I'm about to cop out or give up or give in, I hear it: "Don't be a schmuck. Keep going. It's gonna be great."

As is the case with most successful people, his backstory wasn't all glamour and riches. He was a grinder, initially toiling in New York City with two partners and booking mostly second-tier entertainers into small venues. Eventually those two partners moved to Los Angeles and opened a west coast office. Weintraub followed them some time later. Fast forward.

Elvis Presley had spent the 1960s largely out of the public eye. He made records and films, but for eight years he made no concert appearances - NONE! Jerry had the bold idea to take Elvis on tour. He knew no one connected to Elvis but somehow managed to acquire the phone number of Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis's legendary manager.

He called the Colonel and explained what he wanted to do. Parker listened and politely said "no thank you!" For the next YEAR, Weintraub called Colonel Parker EVERY DAY. Somehow he believed that eventually the Colonel would give in.

One day Jerry's phone rang, and it was Parker. "You still want to take my boy on tour?" he asked. After getting off of the floor, Weintraub answered "of course." Then Colonel Parker proceeded to tell Jerry that if he wanted to do it, he should show up in Las Vegas with a million dollars (when a million dollars was a ton of money) at a specific time - sort of a down payment. Jerry agreed but there was one big problem: He didn't have a million dollars, and he knew no one who would give him the million, let alone within the tight time frame the Colonel demanded.

He got on the phone and called everyone he knew. No luck. Finally a friend in New York mentioned that he knew a guy in Seattle with a lot of money who also happened to be an Elvis fan. Jerry called him and after proposing the idea, the guy agreed to send him a million dollars. No contract; no guarantees; totally unsecured.

Weintraub asked the guy to wire a cashier's check to a bank in Las Vegas made out to Elvis Presley but to his (Weintraub's) attention. Jerry then drove to Las Vegas and on the prescribed day and time, he checked to see if the money had arrived; it had not. He then called Colonel Parker and asked for a bit more time. The Colonel agreed. The money arrived a short time later.

He delivered the check to the Colonel. They agreed to a 50/50 split on tour proceeds.
At the conclusion of the wildly successful tour, the Colonel and Jerry met in Parker's hotel room to have a toast and debrief. Weintraub saw several suitcases and assumed they contained clothing. One at a time Parker emptied each on a large table. They contained cash. Lots of cash. Millions of dollars.

Weintraub inquired as to where the money came from. The Colonel said that this was the proceeds from the sale of tee shirts, key chains, programs, and other memorabilia.
Jerry had never seen that much cash and as he stared, the Colonel swung his cane over his head like an axe and swung it down through the money, dividing it in half with a theatrical gesture. He pushed one pile of money to one side, and the other pile to the other side. He then said that the money on one side was Jerry's, and the money on the other side was his and Elvis's.

He looked at Weintraub and said: "I know we didn't discuss this, but we're partners, and you should get half of everything." That half was several million dollars.
At the beginning of the tour, Jerry was not a wealthy man. At the end, he was a multi-millionaire. His success fueled his confidence and ambition. He became one of the most successful impresarios in show business, managing talent, promoting concerts and producing movies. Quite a story, and quite a guy.

My questions for you: When was the last time you bet on yourself and took a big leap? Do you have a vision for your business and life that is big and bold, or are you content being just "OK?" Are you comfortable asking for help when you need it - financial or otherwise - or are you consumed by fear? Does the voice in your head (we all have one) speak to you in possibilities or limitations; with boisterous exuberance or timid whispers? Are you persistent, and do you persevere regardless of the obstacles in your way?
Article Source:

Saturday, 13 May 2017

What Do I Need To Start Forex Trading?

Forex trading is one way to make money online and from the comfort of your home. To begin trading you must first learn what Forex is and how to get started. This article provides you with the first knowledge needed to begin.

The world today is sure in difficult times such that, earning money or extra money is no longer optional but a necessity to most people. Finding ways of building multiple streams of income are on the increase. One thing the high rate of unemployment and mounting job losses in recent times have taught us is that nobody's job is safe. Fortunately, there are several ways of earning extra income and one way of the ways is trading forex.

Forex trading is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed exchange price on the currency market. Advantageously the Forex market is open 24 hours so anyone, wherever they are can trade. When you trade forex you are simply exchanging or wagering on other traders on currency directions. Straightforward as it is, if you think the US dollar is going to rise, you would BUY the dollar, and SELL the dollar if you think the dollar would fall.

Well, to start trading, you will first need a good and reliable forex broker, forex brokers are simply organizations that offer currency traders with access to a trading platform that allows them to buy and sell foreign currencies. To our advantage, there are some good brokers that allow a minimum of $1-$5 to help new traders with little capital to build up their account. But then of course, as new traders, you will need to practice before you start trading with real cash and that’s another importance of your forex broker.

You can open a demo trading account and practice trading with virtual money to gain the experience required before you jump into trading with real money. Forex brokers offer unlimited demo trading account which gets deactivated after weeks of inactivity. After opening an account with your broker, the second thing on your list is to start studying the basics of forex.

Now there are many eBooks, forex websites, forex forums among others, these sites have great resources that are helpful and can guide you on the basics on how to place orders (buy and sell), read charts, etc.

Practicing what you learned on daily basis on your demo account should be a priority, when you are familiar with the markets you can move to live account to trade with real cash.

Source: Raymond of Free Articles from

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

How to Find a Fast Money Making Idea Easily?

Is there something that can really be called a money making idea? There are a lot of people who are of the opinion that there indeed are ideas that can help make money while there are others that do not. But I feel that all ideas can make money, if probably executed.

So what is important - a good money making idea or, a foolproof execution? The debate can go on and there could be numerous discussions around it. But let us concentrate on our discussion on whether we can find a fast money making idea.

What could be a money making idea? Money does not come free. Nobody will give away money for free. Hence a money making idea cannot be something where you get money for free. For that you will have to join a casino or, pick up a lottery. A money making idea, in an actual sense means exploring a market which has an opportunity of selling - a market where you might find lots of customers and very little competition. It is this information that can then be developed and carefully worked onto an excellent money making idea.

So that gives rise to another question. How will you find a product or, a market where there is little competition but a lot of customers? Such a market is normally called as a niche market. When you read the articles and blogs authored by the Gurus, you will stumble upon a term that they quite frequently use called as "niche research".

Niche research helps you identify markets that are worth exploring. It is these markets that can further give your ideas about making money. Niche research requires some effort from your end. It will not happen automatically. But with some many tools that are made available on the internet these days, thanks to ambitious marketers, niche research has become relatively easy.

What is a niche? People might have different definitions to the term "niche". But for me every market has a niche in it. How-so-ever competitive the market be, there will be a hidden niche in the market which is worth exploiting. When I entered the "make money online" niche, people professed that this niche is saturated and that I wil not find success. I still delved further into the market and today I am able to make a decent living online from the same niche.

A tool that has helped me do this is "Micro Niche Finder". I have never come across any such tool in the near future. There have been numerous keyword research and analysis tool, but James Jones, the creator of this tool, had rightly give it the name - Micro Niche Finder. It indeed finds micro niches inside markets and thus gives your scores of money making ideas.

The thumb rule as per me, if you are serious about finding money making ideas is to dig into already saturated markets. This way you have the confidence that the market has enough customers and sellers both and that it is not isolated. Then when you dig deep into it, you will be able to excavate ideas that will have huge potential customers but very little sellers as not every person is interested in research and analysis. 

Money making ideas is a fancy term to be used but niche research can surely help you find a lot of money making ideas [].

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The 6 C's for a Successful Women Entrepreneur

Women Entrepreneurship is fast growing and is likely known that the number of women entrepreneurs will be much higher than the men entrepreneurs. Some women entrepreneurs possess few qualities that make them move towards success. These qualities are some that many successful women entrepreneurs possess and must be learned and possessed by those who strive to be successful in their entrepreneurship.

The 6 C's- confidence, courage, conviction competence, communication,and conceptualization

1. Confidence:
"Confidence is one which is cultivated over time, by not being wrong, but by not fearing to be wrong."
Confidence is one which is developed over a period of time, based on their previous experiences, achievements and learning. It is one which is to practiced and executed. Strong-minded women are more likely to be confident in their business. Doomed to failure are the women entrepreneurs who lack confidence. Being confident in your venture opens up new ways to make up your business to success.

2. Courage:
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney
The absence of fear does not imply courage but rather, accepting that something else is more important than fear, is what is courage.
The build up of confidence leads to development of courage. Being a brave women brings in fortune and it goes unsaid that "fortune favors the brave." A courageous women breaks open the blocks and keeps moving ahead towards success.

3. Conviction:
There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. - Orison Swett Marden
The venture that most women entrepreneurs undertake becomes a success with a strong conviction to be what they desire. It's conviction that is more important than experience.

4. Competence:
Competence means to possess the skill and knowledge to do things successfully.
Competence is all about opportunity seeking, goal-setting, risk-taking, persuasion, networking, persistence and demanding for quality and efficiency.

5. Communication:
Effective communication is the key to success of any entrepreneurship.
It is the key for establishment, survival and growth of businesses. Good communication skill is one which is practiced over time and it is all about conveying the message clearly and correctly. Communication helps you as a women entrepreneur to move that extra mile and make things work for you.

6. Conceptualization:
"Conceptualization is the process of developing and clarifying new and existing concepts."
Identifying unique ideas and acting upon it is what is most required for success as a women entrepreneur. Researching complex situations and moving out of it requires great conceptualization. Women entrepreneurs must be able to know the existing problems and obstacles and find out a new and better solution for it to be a great women entrepreneur.

Article Source:

Thursday, 4 May 2017

What Is The Road To Success - Do You Know What Road You Are On?


To be honest, there is not one set answer for everybody. There are a lot of variables going into the mix and each road will be different for each person. Now, there will be a number of people who have the same goals and possibly the same end result, but, they'll arrive at their success differently because each one is an individual. An individual that was raised by different parents, went to different schools, had different friends, went to different churches, or didn't go to church, had different jobs along the way, have different opinions, etc. So, each road to success is going to be different. But, there are some guardrails that are common for all on these roads.

What Is Success?
First of all you have to consider what your personal meaning of success is? Not everyone has the same idea of what success is for them. You may be wanting monetary success, or success at your work, relationship success or peace of mind success. Which of these areas are you looking to succeed? One or a couple? Maybe all of them? If so, that won't be happening over a stretch of weeks. It will take some time of careful planning, sweat and tears for all the successes to be accomplished. However, there is one road to success, then there is a another road. One road is thinking of "number one", having the "what's in it for me" mindset. This isn't the best way to achieve success and if you do, it will be a lonely success. Here's the other road.

Model Yourself After Success
One of the fastest ways to reach success is to model yourself after someone who is successful. Whatever success you are after, there is sure to be others that have already succeeded in that area. Just copy what they have done to succeed. Why struggle through trial and error and make mistakes when there is already a marked pathway. If you're wanting to open your own business, go work for someone who has already succeeded in that business. You double your benefits by learning what you need to know and getting paid for it at the same time. Once you've digested all you need to learn to make it in that business, take the money you've earned along the way and open your own business.

Another variation of modeling yourself after someone successful, is having a mentor. This is not the same as a coach. A coach is more task oriented whereas the mentor is more relationship oriented. The coach is short-term and performance driven. The mentor is long-term and development driven. Where the coach works on improving your performance of your work now, the mentor helps you develop not only for now but for the future. A mentor will help guide you and avoid the common pitfalls of failure.

One true fact is, you'll become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, hang out with successful people! Spend time with optimistic people. You don't have to be a jerk about it, but, if you're hanging with friends that are pessimistic, lazy, and have no goals in life, start easing away from that person. Just become busy when they want to hang out. You need to start making friends and associate with those who are successful. It doesn't matter what area of business. Success breeds success. Do it!

Help Others
Believe it or not, one of the fastest ways to success is helping others achieve success; Whether in their personal or their professional life. If you focus on the needs of others and help them achieve their goals, eventually, you're rewards will far outnumber your deeds. Remember peoples spouses names or the names of their children, things they like to do. Show a genuine interest and caring for the person. When someone knows you have genuine interest and want the best for them, they'll go out of their way to help you acquire what you need. Be an inspiration to others. And the hardest thing of all, you need to put the need of others ahead of your own. You would think this is a contradiction of you being successful when your needs are being put on hold. I can't give you statistics on this but I know from personal experience that it does work. Not instantly, but over time, in the long haul, it will get you everything you ever wanted and more.

Replace Bad Habits With Good
Zig Ziglar said the fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits. Bad habits can be a man's downfall. Everyone has their own and so do I. Sleeping in is a popular one. Change that to getting up early and you'd be amazed how much you can have accomplished by lunchtime, rather than just getting started by then. When I tried this, I was completing by lunch what usually took me until 6pm to accomplish. There are a lot of bad habits you could change. Changing can't to can is a simple one, but appears to be hard for most. Rather than being content, change that to constant self-motivation. Don't let up on yourself. Success won't come knocking on your door while you're lying on the couch watching TV. Another quote of Ziglar's is, "Of course motivation is not permanent. But, then, neither is bathing. But it is something you should do on a regular basis." Keep yourself motivated. Success is not a destination, it's a journey. Keep yourself going forward on that journey.

Read, Then Read Some More
I cannot stress to you enough the importance of reading. You need to get your hands on every success oriented book available. Read about successful people. Read about self-motivation. Read about getting the right mindset to succeed. The object is to be constantly learning. You can never know too much and the more you feed yourself with success thoughts to go with the successful people you are associating with the better. There are hundreds of books out there for any success road you are on.

Solid Foundation
Of all the things discussed above, a solid foundation is the most important step in your success. Without a solid foundation, it will be short lived, if lived at all. Every successful person and business had a solid foundation to begin their journey.
"Don't count the things you do, do the things that count." Zig Ziglar
Success to all!

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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The Secrets of Goal Setting for College Students

I recently heard from a student that was in one of my communication classes many years ago. I was excited to hear that this student, who was goal oriented and determined achieved his education dream. He completed his bachelor's degree and moved on to complete a master's and doctoral degree. The success in today's college students can be seen by looking at more than dreams and aspirations, but the goals that they set for themselves. The failure to persist in college is partially due to a lack of goal-setting habits.
Review your goals at the beginning of each semester. College students should take advantage of the opportunity to review their goals at the beginning of each new semester. Students should review both short and long-term goals. A student may have a short-term goal to increase their grades they receive in their classes. A long- term goal might be to review progress toward the completion of an associates or bachelor's degree.

Write down your goals. Those familiar with goal-setting recognize that a goal not written is only a wish. Our minds are constantly forgetting information. Within six to eight months of graduation from college a student will forget up to eighty percent of what they heard in classroom lectures. Students who set mental goals may soon forget them. It only takes a few minutes to sit down with your laptop and jot down some short and long-term goals. Set an appointment in the future to review the goals. The beginning of a semester is an ideal time to review goals, but goals can be reviewed at anytime.

There are several benefits to setting goals for success in college. A goal is a GPS to where you want to go with your current college classes and your entire college experience. By reviewing your goals you can brainstorm the best approaches to reaching them. The best evaluation of goals is measure your progress toward their completion. And many goal setters create a reward for the accomplishment of their goals.

Make a list of your daily goals. Many students make a daily list of things they need to accomplish by the end of the day. Unfortunately, we tend to gravitate to the items on the "to do" list that are easiest to accomplish. You can't say 'yes' to the important goals until you say 'no' to the unimportant ones. I remember a student who listed two items on his "to do" list, eating lunch and also completing a persuasive speech assignment. It is not surprising that the student made sure he was fed first.

Brainstorming is an important part of the goal setting process. Goal setting begins with brainstorming a list of both small and long-term goals. This is followed by prioritizing your goals. The most important short-term goals are those items that require immediate attention. The student mentioned earlier would experience more success in college by giving the speech assignment a higher priority than eating. This may be difficult for some students because they dread making a presentation. But procrastination only creates more problems for the student. Delaying the preparation of a speech may lead to very little time to rehearse. Without rehearsal time the student will feel more nervous on the day the speech in presented.

Successful goal setting also includes managing your time. As you set a goal, think about how long it will take to complete it. Short-term goals can be made weekly or biweekly while long-term goals might focus on projects and activities that make take a year or more to complete.

Successful goals setter are aware of tried and tested strategies. As you work on your goals keep in mind the following strategies:
*Prioritize your goals based on your current course schedule.
*Make sure your goals include important time set aside for tutoring or group work
*Don't forget to write down your goals
*Remember PMA- have a positive mental attitude toward your goals and your ability to complete then.
*Avoid general or ambiguous goals. Be specific with what you want to accomplish.
*Visibility is important in the goal setting process. Don't hide your goals in your dresser drawer. The best place to put your goals is where you can see them-the best place for many students is on the refrigerator.
*There is an old cliché that says "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Earl Nightingale, a famous radio personality in the 20th century said: "Goal setting is the most powerful force on earth to a serious minded person. It will bring us whatever we set our hearts upon... When we set serious and meaningful goals, we start in motion powers greater than we might at first imagine."

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